The Lion Game
by James H. Schmitz

Review by
Robert Wilfred Franson

originally as three stories:
"Goblin Night", Analog, April 1965
"Sleep No More", Analog, August 1965
"The Lion Game, Analog, August & September 1971

DAW: New York, 1973
157 pages

Sidgwick & Jackson: London, 1976

157 pages February 2008


The Lion Game is a sequenced collection of the fourth through sixth Telzey Amberdon science fiction stories by James H. Schmitz:

  • "Goblin Night"
  • "Sleep No More"
  • "The Lion Game"

This book should be read as the sequel to The Universe Against Her; or read the earlier stories, along with these, in the larger collection Telzey Amberdon.

The novelet and short story lead into the powerful title novella as Telzey learns and grows stronger, deeper, more subtle. Please see the Telzey Amberdon Series Overview.


© 2008 Robert Wilfred Franson


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