Gina Elise's Pin-Ups for Vets Peace at Troynovant:
the Flower, Fruit, & Harvest of steady strength,
the happy interregnum betwixt war & war;
admonitions & provocations short of war,
preparations, "peace in our time", Home Front;
aftermath, Occupation & Reconstruction, veterans;
Cold War, spies, subversion, & perpetual peace ...
listed by Title

Many fine novels & poems, films, or stories which include a lead-up to war, or after-shocks of war, are not listed here if simply set during an era of peace or during war but uninvolved with it. Here we index works specifically devoted to or submerged in ripples of war away from the Front in time or location.

Advertisement Touching a Holy War Francis Bacon RW Franson
All the Dogs of Europe Barbara Paul RW Franson
Anti-Recipes for Coffee
  U.S. Army, West Germany
RW Franson
Armistice Day Proclamation, Massachusetts
  proclamation, 11 November 1919
Calvin Coolidge RW Franson
Augustus Mandrell series
  (the Commissions)
  1. Of All the Bloody Cheek
  2. Rather a Vicious Gentleman
  3. For Murder I Charge More
Frank McAuliffe RW Franson

Banners for Constitutionalists
  from The Sly Tyrant's Handbook
RW Franson
Berlin Diary
  The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent
William L. Shirer RW Franson
Between Planets Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Beyond the Horizons
  The Lockheed Story
Walter J. Boyne RW Franson
Blott on the Landscape Tom Sharpe RW Franson
Bread Overhead Fritz Leiber RW Franson

Christmas in Connecticut Peter Godfrey / Barbara Stanwyck RW Franson
Citizen of the Galaxy Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Commissar Vanishes, The
  The Falsification of Photographs and Art
  in Stalin's Russia
David King RW Franson
Crossroads of Time, The Andre Norton RW Franson

Demon Breed, The (The Tuvela) James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Devil's Disciple, The George Bernard Shaw RW Franson
Devil's Steps, The Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Driving Past the Pentagon
  Washington, D.C. 9-11-2001
Jack Kelly

Firefly dvd series Joss Whedon RW Franson,
DH Franson
Fog Willy Ley RW Franson
Fortress Hoover and the Vigilantes
  Who Will Wake the Watched?
RW Franson
From the Dardanelles to Oran
  Studies of the Royal Navy in War and Peace
Arthur J. Marder RW Franson

Germany at Troynovant
  [map: Imperial Germany, 1886]
  [postcard: Danzig ist Deutsch, 1939]
Ghost Goes West, The Clair / Donat RW Franson
Good Night, and Good Luck Clooney / Strathairn / McCarthy CB Kurtz
Great Contemporaries Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
Gulf Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Gypsy Princess versus Blitz RW Franson

Horatius at Khazad-dum WH Stoddard
Homer's Contest Friedrich Nietzsche RW Franson

I Was Ejected from a Spaceship
  Atlas 10-B Orbits the Earth
  San Diego 1958
WR Franson
I'll Grind His Bones to Make My Bread
  An Unscientific Enquiry into a Failed Experiment
  in Quasi-Cannibalism
JM Franson
Ill Met in Lankhmar Fritz Leiber RW Franson
Impending Crisis, The
David M. Potter RW Franson
It Happened on Fifth Avenue Roy Del Ruth / Victor Moore, Gale Storm RW Franson

Joyleg Avram Davidson
  & Ward Moore
RW Franson
Junkyard Planet
  (The Cosmic Computer)
  (Graveyard of Dreams)
H. Beam Piper RW Franson

King of the Texas Rangers English & Witney / Sammy Baugh / Duncan Renaldo RW Franson,
DH Franson

Love Letters William Dieterle / Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten RW Franson

Mailomat, New York City
  Postcard, 16 September 1944
DL Franson
Marathon Victory Announcement Committee, The
  Classical News Before It's Old
RW Franson
Maxims for Despots
  from The Sly Tyrant's Handbook
RW Franson
Micah Clarke A. Conan Doyle RW Franson
Milwaukee City Hall
  Postcard, 25 May 1945
VH Franson

NASA Schooldays
  Houston, Texas
A Cox
Nazi-Communist Partnership
  Elective Affinities, Offensive Alliances
RW Franson
Ninotchka Ernst Lubitsch / Greta Garbo RW Franson
Now Inhale
  [the Towers of Hanoi game story]
Eric Frank Russell RW Franson

O Captain My Captain SE Jordan
Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning Fleischer / Berlin RW Franson
On the Slopes of Vesuvius Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Oops — Hitler!
  A Surprise in Context
RW Franson
Outlaw Josey Wales, The Clint Eastwood RW Franson,
DH Franson

Peace Offering, The Saki RW Franson
Pentagon's New Map, The
  War and Peace
  in the Twenty-first Century
Thomas P. M. Barnett RW Franson
  The Hiss-Chambers Case
Allen Weinstein RW Franson
Picaro in Hitler's Europe, A Walter Arndt ZB Matkowska

Reporting Vietnam
  American Journalism 1959-1975
[anonymous] RW Franson
Return of the King, The [film] Tolkien / Jackson WH Stoddard
Rock in the Baltic, A Robert Barr RW Franson

Serenity Joss Whedon WH Stoddard
Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace Fisher / Christopher Lee RW Franson
  Mortality and Memory in Middle-Earth
WH Stoddard
Space Cadet Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Sphinx Daybreak
  [ ==> Overflight at Troynovant ]
Robert Wilfred Franson   
Star Beast, The Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Sudetenland and Anti-Nazi Options
  Points on Central Europe, 1936-1938
RW Franson
Switchboard Girls with Gas Masks
  Calm and Secret Heroism
RW Franson

1066: Changing the English Channel S Farrell
Third Man, The Reed / Greene / Cotten, Welles, Valli RW Franson
Three-Day-Pass, A
  Paris, March 1945
DL Franson
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis RW Franson
Tolkien and the Great War
  The Threshold of Middle Earth
John Garth WH Stoddard
Torch Christopher Anvil RW Franson

United 93 Paul Greengrass CB Kurtz

Vanishing Private, The (Donald Duck) Disney / King RW Franson
Victory at Sea Henry Salomon; Richard Rodgers RW Franson

War Before Civilization
The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
Lawrence H. Keeley RW Franson
Wasp Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
Watch the Sky James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Were It Not for America
  1940-1945 / 2011
J Myrdal
Wiesbaden Stadtschloss
  Postcard, 18 July 1945
DL Franson
  Postcard, 8 September 1945
DL Franson
Writings George Washington RW Franson

Zenith and Decline
  The Hanseatic League and the Teutonic Order
  in the Late 14th and Early 15th Centuries
JM Franson


— correspondence —

To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 8 March 1944
VH Franson
To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 14 March 1944
VH Franson
To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 29 March 1944
VH Franson
To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 19 April 1944
VH Franson

[Bosworth Field, England.]

Henry, Earl of Richmond [later King Henry VII]:

      [part of] His oration to his soldiers

If you do sweat to put a tyrant down,
You sleep in peace, the tyrant being slain.
If you do fight against your country's foes,
Your country's foison shall pay your pains the hire.
If you do fight in safeguard of your wives,
Your wives shall welcome home the conquerors.
If you do free your children from the sword,
Your children's children quites it in your age.

William Shakespeare
Richard III, 5.5.209-216
[foison = abundance; quites = requites]

Magdeburg, circa 1600


American Civil War at Troynovant
1860-1865; freedom & slavery,
campaigns and battles

Germany at Troynovant
Imperial Germany, Third Reich,
Prussia, Bavaria, Austria:
history, geography, literature

Holiday at Troynovant
high days of celebration

Utopia at Troynovant
utopia in power, or dystopia

Warfare at Troynovant
war, general weaponry,
& philosophy of war

Weapontake at Troynovant
weapons, martial arts;
gun rights, freedom of self-defense

photo link, top right:
gratitude to wounded veterans:
Gina Elise's Pin-Ups for Vets.

engraving, above:
Magdeburg, Germany, circa 1600;
independent Protestant city.
contemporary, anonymous.

(In May 1631
during the Thirty Years' War,
the Imperial & Catholic armies
sacked & burnt Magdeburg:
casualties 80% + .)

photo, bottom:
Allied Checkpoint Alpha:
Helmstedt–Marienborn border crossing,
Helmstedt, West Germany.
(Kontrollpunkt Helmstedt,
Bundesrepublik Deutschland.)

The word "liberation" has lost the force it had ten years ago [in 1945] but gets it back when you look at Victory at Sea, which has completed its second run on television, this time with sponsors. Repeatedly you see the tears and ecstasy of people greeting their deliverers: the French in North Africa and Marseilles and Paris, the Filipinos, the Italians. They line streets of shattered buildings, they swarm over tanks and the fields are still burning behind them, against many backgrounds they are ravished by the fulfillment of hope. On half a dozen islands they come slowly down some path from the hills, starved, fever-ridden, carrying their sick and old. On Guam they stagger out from a concentration camp; at Dachau they have to be carried. At Tokyo they are American prisoners. Each of the twenty-six programs in the great war serial evokes the most powerful and most profound emotions, but the sight of deliverance moves the beholder more deeply than anything else. We forget too easily; everyone should see the whole series every year. It will be all right with me if Congress sees it twice a year.
Bernard DeVoto
"Victory at Sea"
Harper's, June 1954; collected in —
The Easy Chair  (1955)

Allied Checkpoint Alpha, Helmstedt, Germany, 1950s


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