The Declaration of Independence
and the Constitution
of the United States of America


Review by
David H. Franson

Cato Institute
Washington, D.C., 1998
58 pages

August 2001


DH Franson at Yuma - artillery The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America from the Cato Institute is an excellent book for any American to read. This booklet shows you the Constitution and the things it upholds. The Constitution describes and protects the rights that all Americans have, take for granted, and often don't even know about.

This 5" tall, 3.5" wide booklet is pocket sized so it's handy for immediate reference, or just showing friends. I read it in my leisure time and work it into my reports and class discussions whenever there's something controversial. Sometimes the Declaration or the Constitution helps us see what's involved.

There is a preface by Roger Pilon who states the importance and benefits of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Without the Founding Fathers and their work, we might still be a province of England; still without a Constitution, with few of the rights we have today, and shrinking rights like self-defense and trial by jury.

To encourage distribution, the Cato Institute prices these booklets inexpensively, with a multi-copy discount.


© 2001 David H. Franson

David H. Franson with artillery at Yuma.

W.H. Stoddard's review of
The Constitution of the United States

Constitution at Troynovant
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Declaration of Independence
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