Aerial Cableway, Niagara Falls
Postcard on Road Trip, 1936
18 July 1936

Postcard from
Donald L. Franson
& Wilfred R. Franson


July 1936

Postcard text - Aerial Cableway, Niagara Falls, 18 July 1936 - Donald and Wilfred Franson

Dear Ma and Pa,

Saw the cable car
go across the
whirlpool here.

Donald and


[ To: ]

Mr. and Mrs. R. Franson
3022 N. Kenneth Ave.
Chicago, Illinois

Postcard photo - Aerial Cableway, Niagara Falls, Ontario

[ Obverse: ]

Aerial Cableway Car
leaving Thompson's Point,
Niagara Falls, Canada.

Tourism Niagara, Ontario

Niagara Falls State Park, New York:
History of America’s Oldest State Park


Note by RWF:

The postcard is mailed, like the view shown, from the Ontario side of the Niagara River. Whether the brothers drove around via a bridge (likely), took the cable car (perhaps a luxury for young men during the Depression), swam (doubtful — my father couldn't swim), or went over Niagara Falls in a barrel (traditional, but doubtful), I do not know.

© 2012 Robert Wilfred Franson

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