Amazing Stories, 1926-1995 — |
Essay by |
June 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A sense of wonder The news [in 1995] of the death of Amazing Stories, the world's first all-science-fiction magazine, may be just another false alarm, like that of Mark Twain or Bob Tucker; but as one of the last of the subscribers, I am inclined to believe it is true. I received a letter from TSR, the publisher, in May, informing me that the Winter 1995 issue, which I had received in January, had been the last; and that I was entitled to a refund on my subscription. I had been reading Amazing since 1930, but my current subscription started with Cele Goldsmith (later Cele Lalli) as editor, went through the reprint era, the Ted White years, later ups and downs, large size, small size, crisis after crisis, but none any more fatal than the first one in 1929 — when Hugo Gernsback was attacked on a legal-financial technicality and lost control of his first magazine empire, including Amazing Stories. That history is not new to most of you, so I am just going to give my feelings on the end of it all. You may say, after all, it was only a name. But what a name! This must be the last of the titles with exploding adjectives. Quite a few other magazines still exist, despite economic problems for all magazines in the age of the paperback, but their titles don't promise amazement. Why not? I want to be amazed. I want to be astounded, thrilled, astonished, at the fantastic, imaginative, wonderful adventures of future science I am reading. Sense of wonder is not dead! In the 1930s we were laughed at for reading "that crazy Buck Rogers stuff" in Amazing and the other pulp magazines. I am amazed these days, not by the SF magazines, but by Science News, Ad Astra, The Planetary Report, even by the National Geographic. If science is amazing, why not science fiction, at its cutting-edge, which is the magazines? Maybe it is the result of the dictum of John W. Campbell, Jr., that SF should present the marvels of the future as if they were common everyday occurrences, familiar to the characters of that day. Ho-hum.
How Anthony Rogers became Buck is told elsewhere, but I'll summarize it. Philip Francis Nowlan published a story in the August 1928 Amazing featuring the adventures of Anthony Rogers, titled "Armageddon — 2419 A.D." John Flint Dille, involved in newspaper syndication, was scanning a newsstand and was attracted by the garish cover of that issue. This August 1928 cover is shown in full color (mostly red and yellow) in Buck Rogers: The First 60 Years, without explanation. That is unfortunate, because readers will automatically assume that the Amazing cover, by Frank R. Paul, illustrates Nowlan's story, and shows Buck Rogers in action. But the man on the cover, doing tricks with a flying belt, is not Buck Rogers. It is Richard Seaton — hero of The Skylark of Space and the later Skylark novels by Edward E. Smith. I know this, and Dave Kyle knows it, as may anyone who has a copy of the magazine and will look at the contents page, where it says:
My theory is that Mr. Dille picked up the magazine and began flipping the pages, looking for the story illustrated on the cover. Nowlan's and Smith's stories both were illustrated by Frank R. Paul. Dille came upon those cute little outline drawings, almost comic figures, that are in the middle of Nowlan's story (pages 427, 430, and 437 in the magazine; pages 24, 27, and 34 of the book). He saw their possibilities for comic strips, contacted Nowlan, and the rest is history. But if he had only looked at the contents page, he might have contacted Doc Smith instead ...
In that alternate history, we early SF fans might have been laughed at for reading "that crazy Dick Seaton stuff". So ave atque vale, Amazing Stories. Hail and farewell! May you forever remain on that great newsstand in the sky, where it is always 1926, and the spirit of Hugo Gernsback reigns supreme.
© 1995 Donald L. Franson |
For a close-up of the central figure, |
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