Postcard from Occupied Germany
8 September 1945

Postcard from
Donald L. Franson


September 1945

Postcard text - Biebrich, Germany, 8 Sept 1945 - Donald L. Franson

Biebrich, Germany
Sep. 8, 1945

Dear Brother,

Having a fine time, wish you were here.

The weather is just like California's, 3 days out of 365.

The people here are all foreigners.

The buildings are sort of tumble-down.



[ To: ]

Cpl. Wilfred R. Franson

Charleston, S.C.

Vereinigte Staaten

Postcard photo - 9 prewar views of Wiesbaden-Biebrich, Germany

[ Obverse: ]

Prewar views of
Wiesbaden-Biebrich, Germany:
an incorporated suburb of Wiesbaden;
more historical photos of Biebrich,
and an interactive map.


Donald L. Franson - U.S. Army, Wiesbaden-Biebrich, Germany 1945  
Donald L. Franson

U.S. Army, Wiesbaden-Biebrich, 1945


Notes by RWF:

Philatelists will notice that the Deutches Reich postage stamps are not cancelled. The German forces' Field Post canceling facilities had ceased to operate, and even the Third Reich's national mails recently had developed difficulties, due to losing the war. So this postcard from my Uncle Don to my father was mailed in September 1945 within an American-franked envelope via the U.S. Army's postal system from my uncle's Signal Corps unit to my father's Army Air Forces station in South Carolina.

The reference to California weather comes from their both living in Los Angeles earlier in the 1940s.

The U.S. Army maintains a presence in Wiesbaden; their website includes an interesting history of the Wiesbaden Army Airfield.

© 2008 Robert Wilfred Franson

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