Wiesbaden Stadtschloss
Postcard from Occupied Germany
18 July 1945

Postcard from
Donald L. Franson


July 1945

Postcard text - Wiesbaden, Germany, 18 July 1945 - Donald L. Franson

Germany, July 18, 1945

Dear Mother and Father,

It may not be too long now before the war is over. I read that they are shelling Tokyo, with our Battleships standing off shore a few miles, unconcerned as to the whereabouts of the Jap fleet. They even broadcast radio programs from the ships describing the action. Maybe Admiral Halsey knows where the Jap Navy is and don't think they will come up and bother him. I look for an invasion of Japan in a matter of days or weeks, what do you think? You are closer to the war than I am, way off here in Naziland.

The sooner we kick the teeth out of the Jappos the sooner we'll all be out of the Army, so I follow the battles with interest.

They really must be doing a lot of damage, as I imagine all of Nip industry is near the coast line, where we can get at it with our floating artillery. This is a new way of giving scrap to the Jap.

In the meantime, Wiesbaden is as peaceful as ever. This [postcard overleaf] is a building located on the former "Adolf Hitler Platz (Place)". Now all the signs are down, and it is called "Schloss Platz" as in pre-nazi days.

They relaxed the non-fraternizing rules, but if they think I'm going to fraternize with them ex-Nazis, they're crazy.

Love, Donald


[ To: Edith & Robert Franson
        Canoga Park, California ]

Postcard photo - prewar view of Wiesbaden Stadtschloss, Germany  

[ Obverse: ]

Prewar view labeled
Weltkurstadt Wiesbaden / Schloss

Stadtschloss, Wiesbaden
at Wikipedia (English)
with pictures of the City Palace

Stadtschloss, Wiesbaden
at Wikipedia (Deutsch)
with more pictures


© 2012 Robert Wilfred Franson

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