Badlands, near Black Hills, South Dakota
Postcard on Trip, 1931
12 October 1931

Postcard from
Robert Franson


October 1931

Postcard text - Badlands, near Black Hills, South Dakota, 12 October 1931 - Robert Franson

Hello Donald

Saw lots
of this in
N Dakota & Montana

Will see more
going home



[ To: ]

Mr D Franson
3022 N Kenneth A

Postcard photo - Badlands, near Black Hills, South Dakota

[ Obverse: ]

In the Bad Lands,
near Black Hills, S. D.

Badlands National Park
South Dakota

Badlands National Park at Wikipedia

Badlands National Association

Black Hills at Wikipedia


Notes by RWF:

This is from my Swedish-born grandfather Robert Franson, later called "Big Bob" in the family, to my uncle Donald L. Franson. The card's printed description is unusually poetic.

The postmark is from the city of Spearfish, South Dakota.

Thanks to a Chinook wind one morning in 1943, "Spearfish holds the world record for the fastest temperature change."
Spearfish at Wikipedia

© 2012 Robert Wilfred Franson

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