The Body in the Book


Essay by
Vera Howe Franson


June 1947

The Body in the Book

[Letter to the Editor, The Saturday Evening Post, 14 June 1947]


I worry about things I read in the magazines. ...

Dick Ashbaugh [Post Scripts, May 10] presses a body, like last summer's rose, between pages 35 and 36.

"Under the impact of a body pressed, like last summer's rose, between pages thirty-five and thirty-six I have seen my own wife grow glassy-eyed. ..."

I have succeeded in crushing the cadaver between pages 34 and 35. Also between 36 and 37. But not between 35 and 36.


V. H. Franson    

Eugene, Ore.    


© 1947 Vera Howe Franson

First published in
The Saturday Evening Post, 14 June 1947

Note by RWF:
Try the body-pressing experiment for yourself
if the pagination is not clear in your mind.
Provide your own book(s) & cadaver(s).

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