Jolly Halloween: I wonder!
Halloween Postcard
31 October 1923

Postcard to
Vera Howe Franson
October 1923


[ Postmark: New Orleans, 31 October 1923 ]

Postcard text: Jolly Halloween, 31 October 1923 - Vera Howe Franson

I wonder!
if the other [side]
is true


I wrote you a letter
it came back twice
I'm going to try again

[ To: ]

Miss Vera Howe
492 — 31st Ave

Postcard art - Jolly Halloween, 31 October 1923


The witch is using
    her magic spoon,
And seems to say
    "You'll get married


Notes by RWF:

The witch's prediction with her bowl and spoon is one of a huge number of types of folk divinations alleged to reveal whether one was to marry soon, and/or to whom. The cat seems surprised.

Vera Howe was seventeen years old. The answer to the prediction, and to Billy's wondering, is: No, not soon at all. And (in case he was hinting or wondering about that, too) not to Billy.

© 2012 Robert Wilfred Franson

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