Angel's Flight, Los Angeles
Postcard on California Road Trip, 1952
21 August 1952

Postcard from
Vera Howe Franson
August 1952


[ Postmark: Chinese Camp, California ]

Postcard text - Angel's Flight, Los Angeles, 21 August 1952 - Vera Howe Franson

21 Aug 52

Dear Dad —

going thru the
gold country.
Maybe we'll
strike it rich.


[ To: ]

G. E. Howe
2576 Potter St.

Postcard photo - Angel's Flight, Los Angeles, 21 August 1952


Notes by RWF:

Angel's Flight in Los Angeles was destroyed by "urban renewal" but "The Shortest Railway in the World" proved resilient and is running again: Angel's Flight Railway

See also information, history, and picture albums at The Angel's Flight Tribute Site

© 2012 Robert Wilfred Franson

More Los Angeles railroad structures:
Lost Train Depots of Los Angeles
by Nathan Masters, KCET

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ships, trains, autos, aircraft, spacecraft

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