U.S. Highway 101, San Diego Coast
Postcard on Western Road Trip, 1938
16 July 1938

Postcard from
Wilfred R. Franson


July 1938

Postcard text - U.S. Highway 101, San Diego County, 16 July 1938 - Wilfred R. Franson

San Diego, California
July 16, 1938   6 P.M.
mileage   61565

I parked my car in
downtown San Diego and
walked north on route 101,
so that I could see Mr. Big
as he went by. When he
finally came, I found
myself 10 miles out, and
had to take an interurban
car back to town. It
was a swell walk though,
and I saw him. He saw me too,
because I was alone on the road as he
went by.



[ To: ]

Donald Franson
3022 N. Kenneth Ave.
Chicago, Illinois

Postcard photo - U.S. Highway 101: coast in San Diego County, California

[ Obverse: ]

U.S. Highway 101:
Pacific Ocean coastline in
northern San Diego County, California
looking south.


Notes by RWF:

"Mr. Big" is the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt. From news reports my father knew that FDR was motoring south to San Diego that day, so for fun he decided to hike north and get a look at him somewhere along the highway. FDR was driving his open touring car, a blue 1936 Ford Phaeton with hand controls.

My father exchanged waves with the President. My father told me much later that as with any expert politician, waving to a constituent / voter was a natural reflex. My father was by himself on an empty stretch of highway, so FDR's wave was for himself alone.

© 2012 Robert Wilfred Franson

Postcards by Title
flat-carded Scenes of Passage:
in the older manner sent & reviewed in Private
though carried by the Public post

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