Marriage is Lava!
Who We Are, Together

Essay by
Sarah Emily Jordan


January 2009

So, this past election has taught me a valuable lesson. I've learned that if I'm not married I must not have the same rights as all the married Americans. I mean, come on! What is up with that? So, I've decided to petition the government for the right to marry myself. I mean, I love me, I get along pretty well with me. I already know all of my annoying habits and have decided to live with myself anyway. Why shouldn't I marry myself? That way I would be able to have the same rights as all the married people.

If you didn't get it, that initial paragraph is supposed to be dripping with sarcasm. It gives me a good point at which to discuss my theory that marriage is lava. Marriage is supposed to have some flexibility due to the fact that you have two different people who have come from different backgrounds and experiences deciding to union up. But it is supposed to have a certain amount of viscosity at the same time. What is viscosity? Well, besides being just a really great word it means the resistance of a liquid to shear flow (google viscosity and definitions).

So, in terms of lava, the more viscosity it has the slower it moves. The slower it moves the greater ability it has to stay together and it eventually becomes the groundwork for new islands. The Hawaiian Islands, for instance, with all their volcanic activity, were created due to the constant rather slow-moving lava flow.

However the more fluid the lava gets the more dangerous the lava flow. If viscosity is lost then lava just becomes flat out destructive. It rushes down and destroys everything in its path including any civilizations built on the new islands.

The family is the central unit to our society. A married mother and father, who have committed to and honored one another, serve as the binding force for not only their family but society at large. They should maintain a certain amount of flexibility with one another, being inter-dependent rather than co-dependent. But, at the same time it is imperative that they maintain a healthy amount of viscosity. There are all sorts of forces that are trying to damage that bond.

This is one of the humongous problems with trying to change the definition of marriage. It makes marriage more fluid, decreasing marriages' ability to hold society together. The more fluid the definition becomes, the more the definition will be up for even greater and more damaging changes.

I do not think the fluidity started with the push for legalizing same-sex marriage. It is just the latest attempt of the forces trying to create more fluidity. Marriage has become less and less honored. People give up more easily. But, I do think legalizing same-sex marriage will create far more damage than we can at this time comprehend.

Mark my words, if the definition is so altered as two include same-sex couples there will be even more definitions trying to creep their way in. I can almost guarantee that some animal rights groups will start trying to marry polar bears in order to grant the polar bear the same rights as Americans. It sounds stupid and humorous but, stuff like that is already starting to happen. There was a lady who married a dolphin in the recent past (in Australia I think). And yes, I think some loons would petition the government for the right to marry themselves.

Protecting marriage is a protection of our society. When marriage is strong our human island is strong, growing and thriving. When it becomes more fluid the lava flow will only be destructive.

See, I told ya marriage is lava!

God Bless


© 2009 Sarah Emily Jordan

First appeared at
Sarah Emily Jordan's blog
The Conservative Independent Rant

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