Flag Day Parades
Hudson, New York


Essay Memoir by
Adrienne Ross


June 2012

Carrying the flag for June 14th — and remembering why

Flag Day flags, Hudson New York 2011 - Adrienne Ross Happy Flag Day! Our combination of red, white, and blue represents the most exceptional nation on the planet, our Providential freedoms, and our men and women in uniform who defend those freedoms.

Every year, we have a Flag Day parade in our city. [Elks Flag Day Parade: Hudson, New York.] It was held last Saturday. My church, Rock Solid Church, goes all out to represent Christ and our country during this time. Every year we are honored to win the Most Patriotic float trophy! We have a huge procession, and it's a wonderful time! It's an honor to watch people clearly moved, some wiping tears, many applauding and saluting, as we file by.


Full Soldiers, Flag Day float 2011 - Adrienne Ross This year [2012], we focused on the various branches of our military — those who have come before and those who currently serve. Because I'm always in the parade, I rely on getting pictures before we step off. Please enjoy them below. Again, these were taken before we were officially marching forward, so we're not all set up as we were as we proceeded through the city, but you can still get the idea. And yes, those are real people on the float!.

Last year, we replicated George Washington's crossing of the Delaware.


Flag Day parade reports with lots of photos

        [ These seem no longer available online. ]

2010: Rock Solid Church Brings Founding Fathers & Soldiers to Flag Day Parade
          Updated with our Parade Theme Song

2011: George Washington Crosses the Delaware in Flag Day Parade

2012: Rock Solid 'Most Patriotic' Flag Day Photos
          Updated With Song

Flag Day flags, Hudson New York 2011 - Adrienne Ross FlWashington Crossing the Delaware, Flag Day float 2011 - Adrienne Ross


© 2012 Adrienne Ross

Adrienne Ross home website:
Adrienne Ross Communications

She comments on cultural & poliical affairs
from an American patriotic perspective at:
Adrienne Ross Substack

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