Soundie (Music Video)  Reviews at Troynovant
touches of harmony:
soundies, short musical films
of song and/or dance;
listed by Title

Atalanta/Bookcase-G/King-David/ we are more interested in excellent or distinctive work than the merely timely or fashionable. Quality is always in season, and often more topical and entertaining than currency or fashion admit. Thus, we aim to refer and amuse, rather than to announce and forget. We avoid spoiling surprises in reviews that recommend; other works take their chances.

The central column below names writers, directors, and/or actors to aid identification. Within reviews, credits are most-significant rather than inclusive. See PictureLike for a list of book reviews about movies & television.

  • Feature Films are theater headliners, DVDs, or television series;
  • Reels are one- or two-reel films, short films (non-musical), or television episodes;
  • Soundies are shorter musical films of song and/or dance, music videos.

All screen presentations are in color with sound, dialogue in English, unless stated otherwise.

Act Naturally Beatles RW Franson

Do You Wanna Date My Avatar Jed Whedon / Felicia Day; The Guild RW Franson

Fear the Boom and Bust
  A Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
John Papola, Russ Roberts WH Stoddard

Goodnight, Irene The Weavers / Duke Goldstone RW Franson

Hey There Cthulhu Eben Brooks / H. P. Lovecraft RW Franson

Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning Fleischer / Irving Berlin RW Franson

Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech Gordonaires RW Franson

[Belmont, Italy.]

Lorenzo [to Jessica]:

Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their coming.
And yet no matter. Why should we go in?
My friend Stefano, signify, I pray you,
Within the house your mistress is at hand,
And bring your music forth into the air.      [exit Stefano]

How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears. Soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.

William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice, 5.1.48-56

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