Cat swept out Essays at Troynovant:
mining the prismatic
veins of Knowledge;
listed by Title, A-B

These essays range in length from squibs to complex treatments; and in style from humorous to polemical, from expository to analytical. The title or first paragraph should tell you what you're looking at, if not necessarily what you're in for.

Some entries here we label review-essays. This distinguishes contributions more substantial than regular reviews, still focusing on particular works; but, essay-like, perhaps longer, more detailed, more fully backgrounded, more analytical. As a practical matter this means basically that the contribution is given an entry in the appropriate Essays index as well as the Books or Films etc index(es).

Essays or review-essays are more likely to include significant plot spoilers than our regular reviews. If so, we assume you've read the books or seen the films discussed therein, but we do try to indicate that up front.

Here at Troynovant — renewed Troy-Town — I suspect this adage describes the compulsion to creative writing:

    In this town, he thought,
    The Love That Dares Not Speak Its Name
    almost never shuts up.
Armistead Maupin
Tales of the City  (1978)

[ alphabetical by topic; topical persons (if any); essayist ]

<=  Essays by Title, S-Z

Advertisement Touching a Holy War
  (Laurence Lampert edition)
Francis Bacon RW Franson
Airbags & Gun Control S Farrell
Algebra of John Maynard Keynes, The WH Stoddard
Amazing Stories, 1926-1995
  An Obituary, with an Aside on Buck Rogers
DL Franson
AMA's Gun Policy
  Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?
S Farrell
Anglo-American Title Changes
  Interior Translation in English
RW Franson,
JM Franson
Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The A. Conan Doyle RW Franson
Apollonian Art, The WH Stoddard
As Good as The Lord of the Rings
  An Epic Failure of Comparison
J.R.R. Tolkien RW Franson
Atlas Revived Ayn Rand CB Kurtz
Atlas Shrugged as Science Fiction
  Two Reviews in Astounding, 1958
Ayn Rand RW Franson
Augustus Mandrell series
  (the Commissions)
  1. Of All the Bloody Cheek
  2. Rather a Vicious Gentleman
  3. For Murder I Charge More
Frank McAuliffe RW Franson
Ayn Rand
  The Russian Radical
Chris Matthew Sciabarra LH Hunt

Backyard Wildlife Mysteries JM Franson
Bad Ideas Made Powerful by Unidentified True Ones I Glassman
Basic Concepts of Government
  Rights, Federalism, and the Constitutional Republic
Berlese Pyramid, The
  Oppression Points Downward
RW Franson
Bicycles and Guns
  CDC's Public Safety Double Standard
S Farrell
Big Chill, The RW Franson
Big Public Is Watching You
  Transparency versus Security
RW Franson
Bill of Intellectual Rights, The W McElroy
Body in the Book, The VH Franson
Book Packagers' Dos and Don'ts
  A suggested checklist for
  Editors, Publishers, & Publicists
RW Franson
Bookstore Questions and Answers DG Wills
Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution
  A Political Biography 1888-1938
Stephen F. Cohen RW Franson
Busing — Not Integration —; Opposed
  Invoke Our Color-Blind Constitution to End It
E Enstrom, Jr.
Buying Books Online
  Used-Book Standards and Surprises,
  or Ploys Pleasant and Unpleasant
RW Franson

Essays by Title, C-F  =>

[King Lear's palace at Troynovant.]


Give me the letter, sir.


I shall offend, either to detain or give it. The contents, as in part I understand them, are to blame.


Let's see, let's see.


I hope, for my brother's justification, he wrote this but as an essay or taste of my virtue.

William Shakespeare
King Lear, 1.2.39-44


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