Logic of Empire - Astounding March 1941 cover - Hubert Rogers for Robert A. Heinlein Essays at Troynovant:
mining the prismatic
veins of Knowledge;
listed by Title, C-F

These essays range in length from squibs to complex treatments; and in style from humorous to polemical, from expository to analytical. The title or first paragraph should tell you what you're looking at, if not necessarily what you're in for.

Some entries here we label review-essays. This distinguishes contributions more substantial than regular reviews, still focusing on particular works; but, essay-like, perhaps longer, more detailed, more fully backgrounded, more analytical. As a practical matter this means basically that the contribution is given an entry in the appropriate Essays index as well as the Books or Films etc index(es).

Essays or review-essays are more likely to include significant plot spoilers than our regular reviews. If so, we assume you've read the books or seen the films discussed therein, but we do try to indicate that up front.

[ alphabetical by topic; topical persons (if any); essayist ]

<=  Essays by Title, A-B

Campaigning in the World of Atlas Shrugged WH Stoddard
Cell-Phone Spyware
  The View from 1969
Mack Reynolds RW Franson
Chevrolet Vega
WR Franson
Chivalry on the Wing
  Medieval Falconry
S Farrell
Clouds of Dissolution
  The Insecurity of Interconnectivity,
  or Who Guards the Electronic Global Village?
RW Franson
Confined Choices
  Door, Corridor, & Maze Stories
RW Franson
Consent versus Chastity in Sexual Ethics Ayn Rand WH Stoddard
Constitution of the United States WH Stoddard
Contra Dust-Jackets
  A Fetish of Protectionism
RW Franson
Contra Gradualism
  Applying Principle to Issues
W McElroy
Court Will Begin at Half-Way Terce
  Keeping Time in High Medieval Europe
A Farrell

Dance Cards
  Dating Ahead at a Ball
RW Franson
Dancing Socially at a Formal Ball RW Franson
Demigoddess of the Mind
  James H. Schmitz's heroine
  Telzey Amberdon
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Did I Ever Tell You ...? S Farrell
Disclaimers and Dedications
  enter as a small Prologue, disarmingly
RW Franson
Do You Wish to Read My Mind?
  Mind Encryption is Here!
C Benninghoff
Draw Your Gun at School? S Farrell
Duesenberg Automobiles
WR Franson

Theory of Elementary Waves, The
  A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics
Lewis E. Little DM Sandin
Emergency Reading
  or, Never Without a Book
RW Franson
Emerson's Nature and Self-Reliance
  A Biographical Sketch
NG Britton
Every Crowd Is Crazy
  Kipling's Political Theme in "As Easy as A.B.C."
Rudyard Kipling WH Stoddard
Everything is Fake Now D Greenfield
Existence and Consciousness
  Questions in Cultural History
WH Stoddard
Existence Exists
  or the Modern Parmenides
WH Stoddard

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series Fritz Leiber RW Franson
Federation of the Hub, The
  Self-Maintaining Science Fiction Universe
JH Schmitz
Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
Jane Espenson RW Franson
Flag Day Parades
  Hudson, New York
A Ross
Fortress Hoover and the Vigilantes
  Who Will Wake the Watched?
RW Franson
Freddy the Pig series Walter R. Brooks RW Franson
Free-Soil Movement, The W McElroy
Freedom of Speech HD Thoreau
Future History series
  background, annotated story list
  chronological by content
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Essays by Title, G-Z  =>



Perchance you think too much of so much pains?


No, madam; so it stead you, I will write —
Please you command — a thousand times as much.
And yet ...


A pretty period. Well, I guess the sequel.
And yet I will not name it. And yet I care not.
And yet take this again.
          [She offers him the letter]
                                    And yet I thank you,
Meaning henceforth to trouble you no more.

Speed [aside]:

And yet you will; and yet another yet.

William Shakespeare
The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 2.1.99-107


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