Atlas ICBM launch, Convair Astronautics, Space Ferry-1960s Essays at Troynovant:
mining the prismatic
veins of Knowledge;
listed by Title, G-L

These essays range in length from squibs to complex treatments; and in style from humorous to polemical, from expository to analytical. The title or first paragraph should tell you what you're looking at, if not necessarily what you're in for.

Some entries here we label review-essays. This distinguishes contributions more substantial than regular reviews, still focusing on particular works; but, essay-like, perhaps longer, more detailed, more fully backgrounded, more analytical. As a practical matter this means basically that the contribution is given an entry in the appropriate Essays index as well as the Books or Films etc index(es).

Essays or review-essays are more likely to include significant plot spoilers than our regular reviews. If so, we assume you've read the books or seen the films discussed therein, but we do try to indicate that up front.

[ alphabetical by topic; topical persons (if any); essayist ]

<=  Essays by Title, C-F

Galadriel and Ayesha H. Rider Haggard
J.R.R. Tolkien
WH Stoddard
Gas-Electric Cars Go Way Back
  Some History and Prospects
WR Franson
Geared Way, Way Down
  A Parable of Efficiency
WR Franson

Hayashi's Theory on Why Teenage Girls Love Vampires SK Hayashi
Heinlein Story and Novel Collections Robert A.Heinlein RW Franson
Heinlein's Missed Bestsellers Robert A.Heinlein RW Franson
Hitler's Shattered Dream, 1932 RW Franson
Horatius at Khazad-dum Thomas Babington Macaulay
J.R.R. Tolkien
WH Stoddard
How Many Wheels?
  Early Three-Cornered Cars
WR Franson
How to Recreate a Constitution
  From Amending Principles to Doing Without
SE Jordan
Hupmobile Automobiles
WR Franson

If Ever You Wanted One Thing Twice
  Zarathustra as Blues Singer
Friedrich Nietzsche RW Franson
If We Only Had a Brain
  Neurofeedback for America
SE Jordan
I'll Grind His Bones to Make My Bread
  An Unscientific Enquiry into a Failed Experiment
  in Quasi-Cannibalism
JM Franson
Illusionists, The  (Space Fear) James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Impending Crisis, The
David M. Potter RW Franson
Imps in the Websites
  Blunders of Enthusiasm
RW Franson
In Which Our Revels Are Not Ended K Spell
Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte series Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
  "The Ring of Gyges"
  & the Cesspool of Injustice
Plato NG Britton
Is It Time to Establish a British Libertarian Party? W McElroy
Ishmael Paradigm, The
  A Critique of Daniel Quinn's Ishmael
Daniel Quinn G Stolyarov II
It's Elementary
  Lewis Little's Theory of Elementary Waves:
  A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics
Lewis Little DM Sandin

John Galt, Man of Letters John Galt RW Franson
Jupiter Takes a Hit for the System
  Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts
  16-22 July 1994
RW Franson
Justice Is an Essay Question S Farrell

Kitchen Romances
  The Constable and the Maid
K Resta

Law and Institutions in the Shire J.R.R. Tolkien WH Stoddard
Let There Be Light Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Liberate Public Schools
  from Government by Lawsuit
E Enstrom, Jr.
Life and Value in Ayn Rand's Ethics Ayn Rand WH Stoddard
Living in the Current Middle Ages
  Discover The Society for Creative Anachronism
S Farrell
Lodge in a Garden of Cucumbers, A
  in Dorothy Sayers, from Isaiah
Dorothy L. Sayers
RW Franson
Looking Through a Paradigm Darkly
  Was Dominque's rape in The Fountainhead
  actually rape? Why ... or why not?
Ayn Rand W McElroy
Lord of the Rings, The
  (with Balrog Eggs)
J.R.R. Tolkien
Peter Jackson
RW Franson,
DH Franson
Lose the Loose
  Road-Bumps of Word-Substitution via Misspelling
RW Franson
Lost in Google Earth
  or, Modern Geography
C Kalescky
Lovecraft as Astronomer H.P. Lovecraft RW Franson
Low Flying Planes, Subway Trains and Automobiles A Brown
Lunar Fictions from Earthbound Imaginations
  Advice to Writers, 1959
RW Franson

Essays by Title, M-R  =>

The dawn of literature ... was bathed in the twilight of mysticism and mythology. ... But the earliest literati — priests, prophets, rhapsodes, bards — had less direct means to impress their audiences than their older colleagues, the masked and painted illusion-mongers. They had to 'dramatize' their tales, by techniques which we can only infer from hints.

The dramatization of an epic recital aims, like stage-craft from which it is derived, at creating, to some extent at least, the illusion that the events told are happening now and here. Perhaps the oldest of these techniques is the use of direct speech, to make the audience believe that it is listening not to the narrator but to the characters themselves; ...

There is hardly a novelist who had not wished at times that he were a histrion [stage-player], and could convey by direct voice, grimace, and gesture what his characters look like and feel. But writers have evolved other techniques to create the illusion that their characters are alive, and to make their audience fall in love with a heroine who exists only as printer's ink on paper. The real tears shed over Anna Karenina or Emma Bovary are the ultimate triumph of sympathetic magic.

Arthur Koestler
The Act of Creation  (1964)

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