Space Fear. Astounding March 1951, Paul Orban for James H Schmitz Essays at Troynovant:
mining the prismatic
veins of Knowledge;
listed by Title, M-R

These essays range in length from squibs to complex treatments; and in style from humorous to polemical, from expository to analytical. The title or first paragraph should tell you what you're looking at, if not necessarily what you're in for.

Some entries here we label review-essays. This distinguishes contributions more substantial than regular reviews, still focusing on particular works; but, essay-like, perhaps longer, more detailed, more fully backgrounded, more analytical. As a practical matter this means basically that the contribution is given an entry in the appropriate Essays index as well as the Books or Films etc index(es).

Essays or essay-reviews are more likely to include significant plot spoilers than our regular reviews. If so, we assume you've read the books or seen the films discussed therein, but we do try to indicate that up front.

What cannot be said crisply in an aphorism, or developed concisely in an essay, or documented thoroughly in a treatise — may be blared in an avalanche of detail with exquisitely tangled logic, to the multitude.
The Sly Tyrant
Maxims for Despots
from The Sly Tyrant's Handbook

[ alphabetical by topic; topical persons (if any); essayist ]

<=  Essays by Title, G-L

Magic in the Moonlight Woody Allen / Colin Firth, Emma Stone RW Franson
Mark Twain on the Insanity Defense Mark Twain RW Franson
Marriage is Lava!
  Who We Are, Together
SE Jordan
Microwaves, Lasers & Glue
  The Non-Lethal Weapons Update
S Farrell
Mix Pictures of the Mind
  the light of evening
RW Franson
Model T Ford
WR Franson
Move the Stones of Rome to Rise
  Hearing Mark Antony
William Shakespeare RW Franson

Nazi-Communist Partnership
  Elective Affinities, Offensive Alliances
RW Franson
Necessary Evil, A
  A History of American Distrust
  of Government
Garry Wills W McElroy
Null-A series A. E. van Vogt RW Franson

O Captain My Captain SE Jordan
Of Cats and Freaks K Spell
Old Cars in the Movies
  Prop Cars, Comedy Trick Cars,
  Gangster Cars
WR Franson
On a Screen, Darkly
  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    contrasted with —
  Man som hatar kvinnor
WH Stoddard
On Blake's 'The Tyger' William Blake A Karra
On Being Part Native SE Jordan
Oops — Hitler!
  A Surprise in Context
RW Franson
Open Bookcases RC Benchley
Other Minds
  The Anti-Skeptical Position
WH Stoddard
Our Accretive Creation, the Man of Steel
  America's "Superman" Myth
K Spell
Oxyrhynchus Papyri
  New Light on Ancient Texts
RW Franson

Palin Ahead of the Curve on Rare Earth Metals W Pitcher
Parental Handbook
  For Parents Dedicated to Local Control
  of Public Education of Children
  According to the Constitution
E Enstrom, Jr.
Participatory Fiction WH Stoddard
Pentagon's New Map, The
  War and Peace
  in the Twenty-first Century
Thomas P. M. Barnett RW Franson
Perfect Servants Isaac Asimov
Jack Williamson
WH Stoddard
Pierce-Arrow Automobiles
WR Franson
Pilots' Proverbs
  Parental Wisdom Brought Down to Earth
Wilfred R. Franson
Vera Howe Franson
RW Franson
Playing Poker with Palin Sarah Palin NO Coulter
Progressives and Anarchists:
  Let's Dance ... Wait, What?
SE Jordan
Prometheus Bound, but good CL Spark
Psychology and the Left
  An Awakening
SE Jordan
Psychology / Psychiatry and the Left SE Jordan
  1. Progressivism & Eugenics
  2. Drugs, Experts, & the Medical Model
  3. A Personal Perspective

Question of Identity, A
  or Who are you? Who, who, are you?
K Spell

Reckless Love Elizabeth Lowell
  (Ann Maxwell)
RW Franson
Reporters & Guns:
  1. Guns Aren't Psychic S Farrell
  2. Idiots Shouldn't Own Guns S Farrell
Repudiate the National Debt W McElroy
Reveille for Radicals Saul D. Alinsky RW Franson
Reversible Klondike
  Alternate History Solitaire
RW Franson
Reviewing versus Bookselling
  or, Not Selling Books Here
RW Franson
Rhetoric or Else
  persuasive speech, or — ?
RW Franson
Ricardo's Law
  or the Law of Association
David Ricardo WH Stoddard
Rickenbacker Automobiles
WR Franson
Risk to Seize, A NG Britton

Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century
  Volume 1, 1907-1948: Learning Curve

William H. Patterson, Jr. RW Franson
Rocket Belts' Slow Liftoff RW Franson
Romance of American Communism, The Vivian Gornick RW Franson
Ruritania's Successors
  Fictional Kingdoms in Modern Romance
RW Franson

Essays by Title, S-Z  =>

... there are other Trojans that thou dreamest not of, the which for sport' sake are content to do the profession some grace, that would, if matters be looked into, for their own credit' sake make all whole.
>William Shakespeare
1 Henry IV, 2.1.64-68

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