Churchill with Thompson SMG Churchill at Troynovant:
inspirations via Winston S. Churchill (1874-1965);
by, about, discussed, or quoted,
listed by Type and Title

   How the British people
held the fort
till those who
hitherto had been half blind
were half ready

Winston S. Churchill
"Theme of the Volume"
Their Finest Hour, volume 2 of
The Second World War


— works by Churchill, reviewed —

Dream, The Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
Frontiers and Wars Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
Great Contemporaries Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
Malakand Field Force, The Story of the
  An Episode of Frontier War
Winston S. Churchill RW Franson


— essays; and works about Churchill, reviewed —

By Ships Alone
  Churchill and the Dardanelles
Jeffrey D. Wallin RW Franson
Connoisseur's Guide to the Books
  of Sir Winston Churchill
Richard M. Langworth RW Franson
Five Days in London, May 1940 John Lukacs RW Franson
From the Dardanelles to Oran
  Studies of the Royal Navy in War and Peace
Arthur J. Marder RW Franson
In Search of Churchill Martin Gilbert RW Franson
Switchboard Girls with Gas Masks
  Calm and Secret Heroism
RW Franson
W.S.C. - A Cartoon Biography Fred Urquhart RW Franson


— discussion or mention of Churchill —

  How Code Rebels Beat the Government —
  Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Steven Levy RW Franson
Machiavelli's Liberal Republican Legacy Paul A. Rahe (editor) RW Franson
Sarah Churchill and The Rules for Dating RW Franson
Secret of the League, The Ernest Bramah RW Franson
Transparent Society, The
  Will Technology Force Us to Choose
  Between Privacy and Freedom?
David Brin RW Franson

We Are Not Amused, Sir Guillaume

Scott Farrell RW Franson


— Churchill, quoted —

Anzio Edward Dmytryk / Robert Mitchum RW Franson
Disclaimers and Dedications
  enter as a small Prologue, disarmingly
RW Franson
Postage-Stamp Countries
  .cc - .to - .tv - .ws etc
RW Franson
Rhetoric or Else
  persuasive speech, or — ?
RW Franson
Speaking through Texts
  manifest culture; & action this day
RW Franson

[London. King John's court.]

King John:

This inundation of mistempered humour
Rests by you only to be qualified.
Then pause not, for the present time's so sick
That present med'cine must be ministered,
Or overthrow incurable ensues.

William Shakespeare
King John, 5.1.12-16

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