Twain at Troynovant:
inspirations via Mark Twain,
pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910);
by, about, tangential, or quoted,
listed by Type and Title

The great majority of Twain's published works, with some previously uncollected, are to be found in the fine Library of America volumes of his works (available as a set or individually); exceptions will be noted.

And the feller studied a minute, and then says, kinder sad, like, "Well — I'm only a stranger here, and I ain't got no frog — but if I had a frog I'd bet you."

Mark Twain
"The Celebrated Jumping Frog
  of Calaveras County"


— works by Twain, reviewed —

Celebrated Jumping Frog
  of Calaveras County, The
Mark Twain RW Franson
Encounter with an Interviewer, An Mark Twain RW Franson
Innocents Abroad, The Mark Twain RW Franson
My First Lie and How I Got Out of It
  England: 1899
Mark Twain RW Franson
Stolen White Elephant, The Mark Twain RW Franson
Telephonic Conversation, A Mark Twain RW Franson


— essays; and works about Twain, reviewed —

Mark Twain on the Insanity Defense RW Franson
Our Famous Guest
  Mark Twain in Vienna
Carl Dolmetsch BA Lopez


— discussion or mention of Twain —

Amazing Stories, 1926-1995
  An Obituary, with an Aside on Buck Rogers
DL Franson
Berlese Pyramid, The
  Oppression Points Downward
RW Franson
Blazing Saddles Mel Brooks RW Franson
Confined Choices
  Door, Corridor, & Maze Stories
RW Franson
Gunga Din Rudyard Kipling / George Stevens RW Franson
Move the Stones of Rome to Rise
  Hearing Mark Antony
RW Franson
Of Cats and Freaks K Spell
Penrod:  His Complete Story Booth Tarkington RW Franson
Portable Nietzsche, The
  (edited & translated by Walter Kaufmann)
Friedrich Nietzsche RW Franson
Print the Legend
  The Life and Times of John Ford
Scott Eyman RW Franson
Self-Published Authors
  in the Printed-Paper Era
RW Franson
Water Is for Washing Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Where the Red Fern Grows Wilson Rawls RW Franson
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis RW Franson


— Twain, quoted —

Anti-Recipes for Coffee
  U.S. Army, West Germany
RW Franson
Book Packagers' Dos and Don'ts
  A suggested checklist for
  Editors, Publishers, & Publicists
RW Franson
Disclaimers and Dedications
  enter as a small Prologue, disarmingly
Dr. No (James Bond) Young / Connery RW Franson
Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
Jane Espenson RW Franson
Homo Saps Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
There Ought Not to Be a Law W McElroy
Time at Troynovant
  temporal philosophy and travel
  Troy traveling, to and again recurring
You Can't Say That
  The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties
  from Antidiscrimination Laws
David E. Bernstein RW Franson

[Cleopatra's palace, Alexandria.]

Antony (to Cleopatra):

Let Rome in Tiber melt, and the wide arch
Of the ranged empire fall. Here is my space.
Kingdoms are clay. Our dungy earth alike
Feeds beast as man. The nobleness of life
Is to do thus;
    [embraces her]
                    when such a mutual pair
And such a twain can do't — in which I bind
On gain of punishment the world to weet —
We stand up peerless.

Cleopatra [aside]:

                                Excellent falsehood!

William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra, 1.1.35-42

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