Beyond the Crystal Sphere, from Flammarion woodcut Personae at Troynovant:
an alternate Contents
via emanant Olympians
of space, time, and imagination;
some of the shining individuals
within the Troad

These Personae at Troynovant are not enshrined deities upon burnished thrones, nor do we assert that they are all of the same kind, quality, or rank. We call them as we please.

The named individuals are dramatic viewpoints in Troy-town, vivid ways of perception, whose acts and ideas may pop up in the oddest corners. We present some eminent, emanant Olympians as speaking through texts in our fabled Troy of historical imagination — including its environs, the Troad; with its prospects, airy Troynovant.

In relational-database terminology, our Personae are alternate views of the geographical structure. Overflowing personalizations if you like, to coax ourselves talong fresh Trains of Thought into recombining and vivifying our material.

Works by these creative folks are readily found in various By-Title and Strata indexes; their By-Author entries redirect here. Personae indexes also are helpful for works about these people, or quotations or mentions within other items here. Not all tangential mentions may be listed.

              ... whose voice divine
Following, above th' Olympian Hill I soar,
Above the flight of Pegasean wing.
The meaning, not the Name I call: ...

John Milton
Paradise Lost, VII.2-5  (1674)
Complete Poems and Major Prose
edited by Merritt Y. Hughes


Winston S. Churchill

Robert A. Heinlein

Fritz Leiber

Friedrich Nietzsche

Ayn Rand

William Shakespeare

J.R.R. Tolkien

Mark Twain

We expect more Olympians will be presented.

[Troy. Inside Cressida's house.]

Nestor (to Hector):
I have, thou gallant Trojan, seen thee oft,
Labouring for destiny, make cruel way
Through ranks of Greekish youth, and I have seen thee
As hot as Perseus spur thy Phrygian steed,
And seen thee scorning forfeits and subduements,
When thou hast hung th' advanced sword i' th' air,
Not letting it decline on the declined,
That I have said unto my standers-by,
‘Lo, Jupiter is yonder, dealing life'.
And I have seen thee pause and take thy breath,
When that a ring of Greeks have hemmed thee in,
Like an Olympian, wrestling. This have I seen;
But this thy countenance, still locked in steel,
I never saw till now.
William Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida, 4.7.67-80


Issuing or flowing forth; emanating;
passing forth into an act,
or making itself apparent by an effect; —
said of mental acts; as, an emanant volition.

Webster's Revised
Unabridged Dictionary

cup, bottom
(handles not shown):
Dionysos Crossing the Sea
by Exekias
circa 540-530 BC.
photo by Bibi Saint-Pol.

(pirates attacking Dionysos
were frightened overboard
and turned into dolphins.)

If you value our noble heritage,
please consider
Robert A. Heinlein's suggestion:
pay it forward.

In the foreground there is the feeling of fullness, of power that seeks to overflow, the happiness of high tension, the consciousness of wealth that would give and bestow: the noble human being, too, helps the unfortunate, but not, or almost not, from pity, but prompted more by an urge begotten by an excess of power. The noble human being honors himself as one who is powerful, also as one who has power over himself, who knows how to speak and be silent ....

It is the powerful who understand how to honor; this is their art, their realm of invention.

Friedrich Nietzsche
"What Is Noble"; section 260
Beyond Good and Evil  (1886)
translated by Walter Kaufmann

Dionysos Crossing the Sea - by Exekias ca540-530BC

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