Flight into Space - J. N. Leonard, 1954 Aerospace at Troynovant:
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Naturally the fact that so much that was theory is now reality has changed the public attitude. When I wrote about the idea of space travel in 1944 I felt it was necessary to put considerable emphasis on the fact that I was serious. Every sentence which was not strictly historical was carefully weighed; I wanted to impress upon the reader that the people who had thought about space travel were people who knew how to think. This is now generally taken for granted.

The question is no longer whether space-travel theory is serious, or whether it is correct. The question now is simply how soon engineering practice will catch up with existing theory.

Willy Ley
Rockets, Missiles, and Space Travel  (1951)

Absent-Minded Professor, The Robert Stevenson / Fred MacMurray, Keenan Wynn RW Franson
Alcohol Plant
  Springfield, Oregon 1947
WR Franson
Argonauts of the Air, The H. G. Wells RW Franson
Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia
  of Science and Technology
Isaac Asimov RW Franson

Beyond the Horizons
  The Lockheed Story
Walter J. Boyne RW Franson
Big Bounce, The Walter S. Tevis RW Franson
Black Star Passes, The John W. Campbell R Grube
Bread Overhead Fritz Leiber RW Franson
Brick Moon, The Edward Everett Hale RW Franson
Buck Rogers
  The First 60 Years in the 25th Century
Lorraine Dille Williams DL Franson

Discovery of a World in the Moone, The
  or, A Discourse Tending to Prove
  that 'tis probable there may be another
  habitable World in that Planet
John Wilkins RW Franson

Fire Came By, The
  [Tunguska, Siberia 1908]
John Baxter
  & Thomas Atkins
RW Franson
Freddy the Pilot Walter R. Brooks RW Franson
Future History series Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Have Space Suit — Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

I Was Ejected from a Spaceship
  Atlas 10-B Orbits the Earth
  San Diego 1958
WR Franson

Mightiest Machine, The John W. Campbell R Grube

NASA Schooldays
  Houston, Texas
A Cox
New Solar System, The J. Kelly Beatty,
  Carolyn Collins Petersen
  & Andrew Chaikin
RW Franson

Past Through Tomorrow, The
  Future History Stories
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Pilots' Proverbs
  Parental Wisdom Brought Down to Earth
RW Franson

Redemption Cairn Stanley G. Weinbaum RW Franson
Remarkable Rocket, The Oscar Wilde RW Franson
Robert A. Heinlein
  A Reader's Companion
James Gifford RW Franson
Rocket Belts' Slow Liftoff RW Franson
Rocket Ship Galileo Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Temeraire series Naomi Novik WH Stoddard

Unwilling Hero, The L. Ron Hubbard RW Franson

[Westminster, London.]

Be patient, princes; you do know these fits
Are with his highness very ordinary.
Stand from him, give him air: he'll straight be well.
William Shakespeare
2 Henry IV, 4.3.114-116

Lindbergh Field, San Diego, California

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Luna at Troynovant
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Solar System in general,
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paperback cover, top right:
Flight into Space
by J. N. Leonard

postcard, above:
Lindbergh Field
San Diego, California

illustration, bottom:
Quinby Flying Machine Patent

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

[ After discussing Johann Kepler's connection of flight and Lunar colonization in Somnium (1608; published 1634) being picked up by John Wilkins in his The Discovery of a World in the Moone (1638), Nicolson goes on: ]

I am quite convinced that great stimulus to what we call "aviation" came about in the seventeenth century because of this very belief that the first nation to discover the principle of flight would be the first to plant its flag on the moon — and even on the planets. One country jealously watched the aeronautical progress of another. ...

As our voyagers mount up into the ether, we shall hear more of the rivalry between nations, for the moon was to be claimed in turn by Spaniards, Italians, Dutch, and many others beside the British. Every time I have discovered another picture of the moon-world I have first looked eagerly to see which flag floats over its territory. Neither England nor Germany nor any other nation has yet succeeded in that early hope of moon colonization. But if ever a planet rocket is perfected or Major de Seversky's space ship becomes as feasible as he thinks it plausible, this motif will return again to literature, as to politics and economics, and what once was satire or romance will become a matter of profound national and international importance.

Marjorie Hope Nicolson
Voyages to the Moon  (1948)

The advance probes formed an ingenious approach to the problem of getting a man further out in space than any man had been before, but it was horribly risky. But apparently the Russians could afford to take such risks. The Americans couldn't. They had a settled policy of spending a dollar instead of a man. It was humanitarian, but it had one drawback. There was a tendency to keep on spending dollars and not ever let a man take a chance.
Murray Leinster
The Wailing Asteroid  (1960)

Quinby Flying Machine Patent, 1869


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