Iceworld (ASF Oct 1951, van Dongen) - Hal Clement Cold at Troynovant:
icings on cold weather & winter environments;
survival & exploration at polar regions,
high altitudes, other planets;
listed by Title

Men against the cold. Pushing the low-temperature frontier in high latitudes and high altitudes, and into the deeps of space; and the challenge of learning and survival where extreme cold temperatures make even the simplest tasks marginal and dangerous. (I like it hot, myself. — RWF)

Bear in mind that from a scientific or universal perspective, hot and cold are relative depending on where one's viewpoint enters the spectrum of temperatures.

Whether a ship survives the ice often determines whether a polar expedition is at least a moderate success; else the shipwreck abandons everyone to frozen disaster. Nansen's purpose-built ship Fram, carefully designed for over-wintering in high Arctic latitudes, becomes a character in its own right in Huntford's narrative; and later a mythic monument to successful endeavor. Fram belongs in the beyond-the-horizon heroic flotilla inaugurated by Argo that sailed for the Golden Fleece.

David H. Franson - Springfield, Missouri - 20220106-0733       from Robert W. Franson's review of
        The Explorer as Hero
      by Roland Huntford


      David H. Franson
      Springfield, Missouri
      January 2022

Chip, the Dam Builder Jim Kjelgaard RW Franson
Cook & Peary
  The Polar Controversy, Resolved
Robert M. Bryce RW Franson

Door into Summer, The Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Fatal Glass of Beer, The W. C. Fields RW Franson

Have Space Suit — Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein  RW Franson

Iceworld Hal Clement RW Franson
Into Thin Air
  A Personal Account of
  the Mount Everest Disaster
Jon Krakauer RW Franson

Jefferson Ice Company, The
  Chicago 1927-1929, 1933-1936
WR Franson

  The Explorer as Hero
Roland Huntford RW Franson
New Solar System, The J. Kelly Beatty,
  Carolyn Collins Petersen,
  & Andrew Chaikin
RW Franson

Sackett Louis L'Amour RW Franson
Snow Dog Jim Kjelgaard DH Franson
Snow Women, The Fritz Leiber RW Franson

Torch Christopher Anvil RW Franson

[Inverness, Scotland. The courtyard of Macbeth's castle.]


— But this place is too cold for hell.

William Shakespeare
Macbeth, 2.3.15-16

Caught in the Ice (postcard 1935)

3 October 1910

To Robert Scott aboard Terra Nova [received at Melbourne]:

Beg leave to inform you Fram proceeding Antarctic.


Roland Huntford
Scott and Amundsen

Aerospace at Troynovant
air & space travel & development

postcard, above:
Caught in the Ice

cartoon, bottom:
Jack Frost's Ice Palace
Little Nemo in Slumberland
by Winsor McCay


Jack Frost's Ice Palace - Little Nemo, Winsor McCay


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