Could not phone, the wires were busy ComWeb at Troynovant:
data on mail & communications,
codes & ciphers, computing,
networks, robots, the Web;
listed by Title

Premises of the machine age. — The press, the machine, the railway, the telegraph are premises whose thousand-year conclusion no one has yet dared to draw.

Friedrich Nietzsche
The Wanderer and His Shadow, #278  (1880)
translated by R. J. Hollingdale   

There's no news
there's the truth of the signal.
— Mr. Universe    
   in Serenity    

Accidental Tryst Natasha Boyd RW Franson
Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia
  of Science and Technology
Isaac Asimov RW Franson

Bread Overhead Fritz Leiber RW Franson

Cell-Phone Spyware
  The View from 1969
RW Franson
Clouds of Dissolution
  The Insecurity of Interconnectivity,
  or Who Guards the Electronic Global Village?
RW Franson
  How Code Rebels Beat the Government —
  Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Steven Levy RW Franson
Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson WH Stoddard

Dancing Men, The Adventure of the A. Conan Doyle RW Franson
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar Jed Whedon / Felicia Day; The Guild RW Franson
Do You Wish to Read My Mind?
  Mind Encryption is Here!
C Benninghoff
Domain Name Bargains
  Alms for Oblivion
RW Franson
Dressed to Kill [Sherlock Holmes] Neill / Rathbone / Bruce RW Franson

Electric House, The Buster Keaton RW Franson
Eugene Post Office, The
  Eugene, Oregon 1949-1956
WR Franson

Fog Willy Ley RW Franson
Four-Day Planet H. Beam Piper RW Franson

Great Mail Robbery, The Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson
GURPS Steam-Tech
  A Compendium of Marvelous Devices
  for the Age of Steam
William H. Stoddard RW Franson

Halting State Charles Stross WH Stoddard
Harpo Speaks Harpo Marx
  & Rowland Barber
RW Franson

Imps in the Websites
  Blunders of Enthusiasm
RW Franson
In My Opinion Here's Who Reads What
  Capsule Profiles of American Newspapers
J Cotter
Insanely Great
  The Life and Times of Macintosh,
  the Computer That Changed Everything
Steven Levy RW Franson

Junkyard Planet
  (The Cosmic Computer)
  (Graveyard of Dreams)
H. Beam Piper RW Franson

Laodicean, A
  or, The Castle of the De Stancys.
  A Story of To-Day.
Thomas Hardy RW Franson
Last Letter, The Fritz Leiber RW Franson
Logic Named Joe, A Murray Leinster RW Franson
Lost in Google Earth
  or, Modern Geography
C Kalescky
Love Letters William Dieterle / Jennifer Jones / Joseph Cotten RW Franson

Macintosh 1984  [commercial] Ridley Scott RW Franson
Mailomat, New York City, 16 September 1944
  US Army to Europe Postcard
DL Franson
Mechanical Mice Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
Minimum Man, The Robert Sheckley RW Franson

Office Space Mike Judge / Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston RW Franson

Perfect Servants WH Stoddard
Post Office to Offer Appendix Removal on Saturdays NO Coulter
Postage-Stamp Countries
  .cc - .to - .tv - .ws etc
RW Franson

Remake Connie Willis RW Franson
Reversible Klondike
  Alternate History Solitaire
RW Franson
Revolt Christopher Anvil RW Franson
Revolution in the Valley
  The Insanely Great Story of
  How the Mac Was Made
Andy Hertzfeld RW Franson
Robots Have No Tails
  (The Proud Robot)
Henry Kuttner RW Franson

Schmitz's ComWeb
  Early SF Desktop Computers & Internet
RW Franson
Searcher, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Sons of the Pioneers
  Music on Your Desktop
RW Franson
Station X G. McLeod Winsor WH Stoddard
Stealing Elections
  How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy
John Fund RW Franson
Strength Through Joy, in Cubicles
  Management versus Communication
RW Franson
Switchboard Girls with Gas Masks
  Calm and Secret Heroism
RW Franson

Telephonic Conversation, A Mark Twain RW Franson
Transparent Society, The
  Will Technology Force Us to Choose
  Between Privacy and Freedom?
David Brin RW Franson

Victor Talking Machine Co.
  The Fireside Theatre
  advertisement, September 1907

Why the Mailman Cuts Across Your Lawn
  and Other Programmers' Shortcuts
RW Franson
  Postcard, 8 September 1945
DL Franson
Wireless Rudyard Kipling RW Franson
Witches of Karres, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson


— correspondence —

To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 13 March 1944
VH Franson

[France. Outside Harfleur.]

Fluellen (to MacMorris}:

... will you vouchsafe me, look you, a few disputations with you ... in the way of argument, look you, and friendly communication?

William Shakespeare
Henry V, 3.2.36-40

Postcards by Title
flat-carded Scenes of Passage:
in the older manner sent & reviewed in Private
though carried by the Public post

Presentations by Title
pictorial advertisements
for the light of other days
from the lost Discovered Country;
overflowing that Bourne
which few Travelers avoid

postcard, upper right:
Could not phone,
the wires were busy

engraving, bottom:
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
100-shares stock certificate
4 February 1890


Almost certainly the best of the nonbelligerent cryptanalysts, and perhaps one of the best in the war, was that of the precarious neutral, Sweden. ...

Early in 1940, just before the German occupation of Norway, Nazi agents there, who were concentrated in the German-Norwegian shipping lines and in the large fishing and fish-processing firms, were ordered to pass back information on ship movements and weather. They disguised the data as sales prices, offers, and tonnage reports on fishing ...

But the Norwegian authorities had intercepted the telephone calls ... They sent recordings to Sweden, where Segerdahl discovered that the five-digit "prices" actually represented the transposed and monalphabetically enciphered numbers of ships in Lloyd's Register. The solutions enabled Norway to break up at least one of the rings ...

The Swedes also read messages in other German systems — a double transposition for the military attache and two substitution systems for the troops. The latter gave them an unexpected peek into the sex habits of German soldiers. The Wehrmacht provided women from the Baltic states and concentration camps as prostitutes for the occupation forces in Norway, and the vessels were naturally awaited with great eagerness.

Their arrivals and departures formed the subject of excited communication between units, and not infrequently a radioman in a port from which a ship had just sailed would recommend one of the girls to a fellow signalman in the port to which the ship was headed. The reasons were sometimes quite specific, and the Swedes came to think that they knew the girls almost as well by cryptologic means as the soldiers did by carnal.

David Kahn
"Duel in the Ether: Neutrals and Allies"
The Codebreakers:
The Story of Secret Writing


Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company - 100-shares stock certificate, 4 Febrary 1890


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