Postcard art - A Happy Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving leaves, landscape 1911 Holiday at Troynovant:
interludes of high days of celebration,
of Commemoration or Memorial,
in America & elsewhere;
listed by Title

There hardly could be a simpler assault on the concept of, and potential for, true Nobility in American statesmanship, than the casual downgrading of Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday into Presidents' Day, where these best are like the worst.

Banners for Constitutionalists
from The Sly Tyrant's Handbook


For the new year. — I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful.

Friedrich Nietzsche
Book 4: "Sanctus Januarius", #276
The Gay Science   (1882; 1887)
translated by Walter Kaufmann   


— New Year's Day —
January 1st

  [quotation at bottom]

Walt Kelly   

Comedy at Troynovant
  elevations into levity & happiness
  via hijinks & laughter
  [photo: Buster Keaton]


— Lincoln's Birthday —
February 12th

Lincoln at Cooper Union
  The Speech That Made
  Abraham Lincoln President
Harold Holzer RW Franson


— Washington's Birthday —
February 22nd

Writings George Washington RW Franson


— Flag Day —
June 14th

Flag Day Parades
  Hudson, New York
A Ross


— Fourth of July —

Fourth-of-July Fireworks!
  Red rats and whistling chasers
JM Franson

Street Fireworks in the 1920s
  Chicago, July 4th, circa 1925
DL Franson


— Constitution Day —
September 17th

Constitution at Troynovant
  American founding documents,
  Declaration of Independence
  & U.S. Constitution


— Halloween —
October 31st

Jolly Halloween: I wonder!
  Postcard, 31 October 1923
VH Franson


— All Saints' Day & All Souls' Day —
November 1st & 2nd

Pre-Christian Elements in the Celebration
  of All Saints' Day and the Feast of All Faithful Departed
JM Franson


— Armistice Day / Veterans Day —
November 11th

Armistice Day Proclamation, Massachusetts
  proclamation, 11 November 1919
Calvin Coolidge RW Franson


— Thanksgiving —
4th Thursday in November

Custard Gun. The
  [Disney Ducks]
Carl Barks RW Franson

Thanksgiving Rolled Under
  Black Friday and Forwarding the Day
   RW Franson


— Christmas —
December 25th

Christmas in Connecticut Peter Godfrey / Barbara Stanwyck RW Franson

Dear Santa Joseph Priestley / Amy Acker, David Haydn-Jones, Emma Duke JM Franson
Dear Unknown Friend
  Postcard, 21 December 1922
VH Franson

Eugene Post Office, The
  Eugene, Oregon 1949-1956
WR Franson

Holiday for Murder, A
  (Hercule Poirot's Christmas)
  (Murder for Christmas)
Agatha Christie JM Franson

Inn Connie Willis RW Franson
It Happened on Fifth Avenue Roy Del Ruth / Victor Moore, Gale Storm RW Franson

Lady on a Train David / Durbin RW Franson

Miracle Connie Willis RW Franson
Miracle and Other Christmas Stories Connie Willis RW Franson
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol Charles Dickens / Abe Levitow / Jim Backus JM Franson

Newsletter Connie Willis RW Franson
No Holly for Miss Quinn Miss Reed
  (Dora Saint)
JM Franson

Soon (In 48 Years' Time) Alexandra Kollontai RW Franson

While You Were Sleeping Jon Turteltaub / Sandra Bullock RW Franson

[A royal residence, probably Windsor Castle.]

Prince Harry:

If all the year were playing holidays,
To sport would be as tedious as to work;
But when they seldom come, they wished-for come ...

William Shakespeare
1 Henry IV, 1.3.182-184

Postcard art - July 4th: The Day We Celebrate, 1908 Postcard art - A Happy Christmas: May your heat be warmed by the Joy of Christmas Cheer

McKenzie Farms
Signature Christmas Trees
Oregon City, Oregon

[Pogo on New Year's resolutions.]

Howland Owl:
    You ought to break a resolution now an' then, Pogo ... it might ree-fresh a lil do-gooder like yo' self.

    What kind resolutions breaks easy?

Howland Owl:
    Any kind I makes ... man, I is got resolutions left over from last year what I isn't even had time to break yet!

    Bring a couple over, size 6 1/2.

Walt Kelly
Pogo, 27 December 1950

Pogo - Through the Wild Blue Wonder
The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips, Volume 1 [1949-1950]


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