Postcard art - Swedish girl dancing, 1907 Music at Troynovant:
notes on music, music, song, dance, & composers;
listed by Title

References to the history and culture of music, both popular and classical, and including the lyrical or dramatic, and dance — even in silent films. Good music speaks to its time, but as with the best literature, the best music also is timeless.

... there is no Music of the spheres ... Plutarch speaks as if a man might very conveniently hear that harmony, if he were an inhabitant in the Moone. But I guess that he said this out of incogitancy, and did not well consider the necessary consequences upon his opinion.

However the world would have no great loss in being deprived of this Music, unless at some times we had the privilege to hear it ....

John Wilkins
The Discovery of a World in the Moone
or, A Discourse Tending to Prove
that 'tis probable there may be another habitable World in that Planet  (1638)

Act Naturally Beatles RW Franson
Adventures of Sally, The P. G. Wodehouse RW Franson

Big Chill, The Lawrence Kasdan / William Hurt, Kevin Kline RW Franson
Broadway Babies Say Goodnight
  Musicals Then and Now
Mark Steyn RW Franson

Coining at Troynovant
  [Ginger Rogers quotation]

Dance Cards
  Dating Ahead at a Ball
RW Franson
Dancing Socially at a Formal Ball RW Franson
Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs Dave Barry RW Franson
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Whedon / Harris RW Franson
Dressed to Kill [Sherlock Holmes] Neill / Rathbone / Bruce RW Franson

Famous Druids, The
  A survey of three centuries
  of English literature on the Druids
A. L. Owen RW Franson
Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
Jane Espenson RW Franson
First Love Henry Koster / Deanna Durbin RW Franson,
JM Franson
Fluttering Hearts James Parrott / Charley Chase RW Franson

Good Rockin' Tonight
  Sun Records
  & the Birth of Rock 'n' Roll
Colin Escott
  & Martin Hawkins
RW Franson
Green Hills of Earth, The Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Gypsy Princess versus Blitz RW Franson

Hey There Cthulhu Eben Brooks RW Franson

If Ever You Wanted One Thing Twice
  Zarathustra as Blues Singer
RW Franson
It Started with Eve Henry Koster / Deanna Durbin, Laughton, Cummings RW Franson

Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
H. E. Jacob RW Franson
  [bibliography of above] JB Berlin

Let There Be Light Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Mule, The Isaac Asimov RW Franson
Music Box, The Laurel and Hardy RW Franson

Oh! How I Hate to Get Up
  in the Morning
Max & David Fleischer / Irving Berlin RW Franson

Progressives and Anarchists:
  Let's Dance ... Wait, What?
SE Jordan

Queen of Dances
  Waltz observations by master writers

Remake Connie Willis RW Franson

Sing, Earthly Muse
  Music in Ayn Rand's Aesthetics
WH Stoddard
Singer Enigma, The Ann Maxwell RW Franson
  in Prehistory, Folklore, & Culture
RW Franson
Songs of Love and Grief Heinrich Heine RW Franson
Sons of the Pioneers
  Music on Your Desktop
RW Franson
Streets of Fire Walter Hill / Michael Paré WH Stoddard

Victor Talking Machine Co.
  The Fireside Theatre
  advertisement, September 1907

In the front row of the upper circle a woman with a restless starling-voice was discussing the work of a temporarily fashionable composer, chiefly in relation to her own emotions, which she seemed to think might prove generally interesting to those around her.

"Whenever I hear his music I feel that I want to go up into a mountain and pray. Can you understand that feeling?"

The girl to whom she was unburdening herself shook her head.

"You see, I've heard his music chiefly in Switzerland, and we were up among the mountains all the time, so it wouldn't have made any difference."

"In that case," said the woman, who seemed to have emergency emotions to suit all geographical conditions, "I should have wanted to be in a great silent plain by the side of a rushing river."

Saki  (H. H. Munro)
The Unbearable Bassington  (1912)

[Glendower's castle, Wales.]


With all my heart, I'll sit and hear her sing.
By that time will our book, I think, be drawn.


Do so, and those musicians that shall play to you
Hang in the air a thousand leagues from hence,
And straight they shall be here. Sit and attend.

William Shakespeare
1 Henry IV, 3.1.218-222

Columbia phonograph cylinder advertisement - Everybody's Magazine

Soundie reviews by Title
shorter musical films of song and/or dance,
music videos

Who Is Dancing on Heinlein's Moon?
Mysterious 1949 Ballet Performance
on the Set of Destination Moon
by William S. Higgins

postcard, upper right:
Swedish girl dancing

advertisement, above:
Columbia phonograph cylinder
Everybody's Magazine

lithograph, bottom:
Dancing Girls at Cairo
by David Roberts

The old gentleman complained that he had heard little music at home these days. To give him his fill for once, Felix played copiously — mornings for Goethe alone; evenings in a larger company. As always, Goethe was interested in the biological and historical aspects of music. As we know from his correspondence with Zelter and also from Felix's accounts, Goethe regarded music as something "evolvable"; it was to him a part of natural history and fascinated him in the same way as the growth of crystals. Indeed, why should not music be experienced in strata? At that very time Ludwig Spohr was experimenting with a Historical Symphony in which he intended to copy the styles of various eras. The experiment was a failure, of course, but it was an attempt in the spirit of Goethe.

Heinrich Eduard Jacob
"Parting with Goethe"
Felix Mendelssohn and his Times
translated by Richard and Clara Winston

Dancing Girls at Cairo - David Roberts, 1846-1849


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