PictureLike at Troynovant:
projecting light through a theater darkly
via works about moving pictures:
movies, film, & television;
listed by Title

These mostly are reviews of books about the history and culture of film and its best practitioners. Source reviews (of films, novels, stories, histories) are listed here if the review includes discussion of some principle of film-making technique (beware plot spoilers). For reviews of films and television presentations in themselves, see Feature Film reviews by Title and Reel reviews by Title. For a companion list dealing with literature and the critical process, see LitCrit at Troynovant. We do not shoot for comprehensive coverage of actors and actresses and so on, but for insights into how and why the medium of film works its wonders for us.

Big Chill, The Lawrence Kasdan / William Hurt, Kevin Kline RW Franson
Broadway Babies Say Goodnight
  Musicals Then and Now
Mark Steyn RW Franson

Campaign of the Century, The
  Upton Sinclair's Race for Governor of California
  and the Birth of Media Politics
Greg Mitchell RW Franson
Cocoanuts, The Marx Brothers RW Franson
Coining at Troynovant
  quantifying value into commodity;
  true coin, false coin, enterprise & economics
  [Ginger Rogers]
Complete Fawlty Towers, The
John Cleese
  & Connie Booth
RW Franson

Everything is Fake Now D Greenfield

Fawlty Towers:  Fully Booked Morris Bright
  & Robert Ross
RW Franson
Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
Jane Espenson RW Franson
Firefly dvd series Joss Whedon RW Franson,
DH Franson

Goodnight, Irene The Weavers / Duke Goldstone RW Franson

Harlan Ellison's Watching Harlan Ellison RW Franson
Harpo Speaks Harpo Marx
  & Rowland Barber 
RW Franson

Jack of Eagles James Blish RW Franson

Lord of the Rings, The
  (with Balrog Eggs)
J.R.R. Tolkien / Peter Jackson RW Franson,
DH Franson

Magic in the Moonlight Woody Allen / Colin Firth, Emma Stone RW Franson
Miracle Connie Willis RW Franson
Miracle and Other Christmas Stories Connie Willis RW Franson

Old Cars in the Movies
  Prop Cars, Comedy Trick Cars,
  Gangster Cars
WR Franson
Our Accretive Creation, the Man of Steel
  America's "Superman" Myth
K Spell

Print the Legend
  The Life and Times of John Ford
Scott Eyman RW Franson
Proud Robot, The
  (Robots Have No Tails)
Henry Kuttner RW Franson

Remake Connie Willis RW Franson

Seeking Chivalry and Finding Serenity S Farrell
Serenity Joss Whedon WH Stoddard

Victory at Sea Henry Salomon; Richard Rodgers RW Franson

Watching Off-Center
  Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity
RW Franson
Western and the West, The K Spell
Why Superheroes Wear Capes WH Stoddard

[Caius Martius' house in Rome.]


honour ... was no better than, picture-like, to hang by th' wall if renown made it not stir —

William Shakespeare
Coriolanis, 1.3.8-10


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