The Door Into Summer, F&SF October 1956, Kelly Freas for Robert A. Heinlein Romance at Troynovant :
sweetenings of dating & romantic love,
good & bad relationships, marriage;
listed by Title

In addition to romance novels, love stories, romantic poetry, films, and in general, stories with romantic interest, we particularly are interested in works and reviews which flirt with general ideas about romance as a literary genre, the romantic impulse in men and women, the nature of love or sex or marriage, and so on.

The waltz era gave us a great burst of romantic joy in its most classical musical expression. If the waltz perhaps is not quite the birth of gaiety from the spirit of music, certainly the waltz embodies, in its most beautiful form, the whirl of classical gaiety on the romantic dance floor.

from Robert W. Franson's review of
Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
by H. E. Jacob

Accidental Tryst Natasha Boyd RW Franson
Adventures of Sally, The P. G. Wodehouse RW Franson
Arizona Clarence Budington Kelland  RW Franson

Big Chill, The Lawrence Kasdan / William Hurt, Kevin Kline RW Franson
Big Trouble in Little China Carpenter / Russell RW Franson
Bride's Story, A
  [graphic series]
Kaoru Mori WH Stoddard

Christie Johnstone Charles Reade RW Franson
Christmas in Connecticut Peter Godfrey / Barbara Stanwyck RW Franson
Consent versus Chastity in Sexual Ethics WH Stoddard

Dance Cards
  Dating Ahead at a Ball
RW Franson
Dancing Socially at a Formal Ball RW Franson
Dear Santa Joseph Priestley / Amy Acker, David Haydn-Jones, Emma Duke JM Franson
Dear Unknown Friend
  Postcard, 21 December 1922
VH Franson
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar Jed Whedon / Felicia Day; The Guild RW Franson
Doors of His Face,
  the Lamps of His Mouth, The
Roger Zelazny RW Franson
Dreamland Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson

Fifty Shades
  Fifty Shades of Grey
  Fifty Shades Darker
  Fifty Shades Freed
E L James RW Franson
Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
Jane Espenson RW Franson
Firefly dvd series Joss Whedon RW Franson,
DH Franson
First Love Henry Koster / Deanna Durbin RW Franson,
JM Franson
Fountainhead, The
  [an Aristotelian view]
Ayn Rand WH Stoddard

General, The Buster Keaton RW Franson
Ghost Goes West, The Rene Clair / Robert Donat RW Franson
Great Mail Robbery, The Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson

Hands Across the Table Mitchell Leisen / Carole Lombard, Fred MacMurray RW Franson
How to Govern a Kingdom Suzie Garfield RW Franson

Inspector General, The [film] Nikolai Gogol / Henry Koster / Danny Kaye RW Franson
It Happened on Fifth Avenue Roy Del Ruth / Victor Moore, Gale Storm RW Franson
It Started with Eve Henry Koster / Deanna Durbin, Laughton, Cummings RW Franson

Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
H. E. Jacob RW Franson
Jolly Halloween: I wonder!
  Postcard, 31 October 1923
VH Franson
June Chris Hutson / Felicia Day RW Franson
Just Go With It Dennis Dugan / Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler RW Franson

  A Tale of Arabia
F. Marion Crawford RW Franson
Kitchen Romances
  The Constable and the Maid
K Resta

Lady on a Train Charles David / Deanna Durbin RW Franson
Lalage's Lovers George A. Birmingham RW Franson
Laodicean, A
  or, The Castle of the De Stancys.
  A Story of To-Day.
Thomas Hardy RW Franson
Let There Be Light Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Liberty for Women
  Freedom and Feminism
  in the Twenty-first Century
Wendy McElroy RW Franson
Looking Through a Paradigm Darkly
  Was Dominque's rape in The Fountainhead
  actually rape? Why ... or why not?
W McElroy
Love Letters William Dieterle / Jennifer Jones / Joseph Cotten RW Franson

Man and Superman George Bernard Shaw RW Franson
Marriage is Lava!
  Who We Are, Together
SE Jordan
Miracle Connie Willis RW Franson

Never Underestimate Theodore Sturgeon RW Franson
North and South Elizabeth Gaskell WH Stoddard

Politics, Murder, and Love
    in Stalin's Kremlin

  The Story of Nikolai Bukharin
  and Anna Larina
Paul R. Gregory PT Smith
Princess Comes Across, The Howard / Lombard / MacMurray RW Franson
Princess for the Gentleman, A Mindy Burbidge Strunk RW Franson
Pygmalion [film] Shaw / Asquith / Howard / Hiller  RW Franson

Reckless Love Elizabeth Lowell
  (Ann Maxwell)
RW Franson
Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare  RW Franson
Rules, The
  Time-tested Secrets
  for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right
Ellen Fein
  & Sherrie Schneider
RW Franson
Ruritania's Successors
  Fictional Kingdoms in Modern Romance
RW Franson

Sarah Churchill and The Rules for Dating RW Franson
Shadow Gate, The Margaret Ball RW Franson
Singer Enigma, The Ann Maxwell RW Franson
1632 Eric Flint RW Franson
Sue Barton, Nurse series Helen Dore Boylston WH Stoddard

Too Many Women
Rex Stout RW Franson

Venus Plus X Theodore Sturgeon RW Franson

While You Were Sleeping Jon Turteltaub / Sandra Bullock RW Franson
Why Teenage Girls Love Vampires
  Hayashi's Theory
SK Hayashi

Your First Time
  [Barack Obama campaign ad, 2012]
Lena Dunham RW Franson


— correspondence —

To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 8 March 1944
VH Franson

[The King of Navarre's park.]


But love, first learned in a lady's eyes,
Lives not alone immured in the brain,
But with the motion of all elements
Courses as swift as thought in every power,
And gives to every power a double power
Above their functions and their offices.

It adds a precious seeing to the eye —
A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind.

A lover's ear will hear the lowest sound
When the suspicious head of theft is stopped.

Love's feeling is more soft and sensible
Than are the tender horns of cockled snails.

Love's tongue proves dainty Bacchus gross in taste.

For valour, is not love a Hercules,
Still climbing trees in the Hesperides?

William Shakespeare
Love's Labour's Lost, 4.3.301-315

magazine cover, top right:
Fantasy and Science Fiction
October 1956
by Kelly Freas

Russian postcard, bottom:
Choose Your Wife in a Garden

Choose Your Wife in a Garden - Russian postcard


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