DHF contemplates school Schooling at Troynovant:
classes and antitheses on
school, college, ongoing learning;
listed by Title

Mrs. Goddard was the mistress of a School —not of a seminary, or an establishment, or any thing which professed, in long sentences of refined nonsense, to combine liberal acquirements with elegant morality upon new principles and new systems — and where young ladies for enormous pay might be screwed out of health and into vanity — but a real, honest, old-fashioned Boarding-school, where a reasonable quantity of accomplishments were sold at a reasonable price, and where girls might be sent to be out of the way and scramble themselves into a little education, without any danger of coming back prodigies.

Jane Austen
Emma  (1815)

Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The
  A Complete Catalog
William Allin Storrer RW Franson

Busing —Not Integration— Opposed
  Invoke Our Color-Blind Constitution to End It
E Enstrom, Jr.

Calvin and Hobbes, The Complete
Bill Watterson RW Franson
Closing of the American Mind, The
  How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy
  and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students
Allan Bloom RW Franson
Coming of Age in America Edgar Z. Friedenberg   WH Stoddard
Cultural Literacy
  What Every American Needs to Know
E. D. Hirsch, Jr. RW Franson

Draw Your Gun at School? S Farrell

Electric House, The Buster Keaton RW Franson

Fortress Hoover and the Vigilantes
  Who Will Wake the Watched?
RW Franson
Freddy's Cousin Weedly Walter R. Brooks RW Franson

Girls und Panzer Tsutomu Mizushima WH Stoddard
Grantchester Grind Tom Sharpe RW Franson
Gulf Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Have Space Suit — Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
High School Student Pursing Carrer RW Franson

Ishmael Paradigm, The
  A Critique of Daniel Quinn's Ishmael
G Stolyarov II

Justice Is an Essay Question S Farrell

Liberate Public Schools
  from Government by Lawsuit
E Enstrom, Jr.
Lost in Google Earth
  or, Modern Geography
C Kalescky

My First Car
  1927 Chevrolet Coupe
WR Franson
My Grandfather's Son
  A Memoir
Clarence Thomas RW Franson

NASA Schooldays
  Houston, Texas
A Cox

Orphans of Chaos John C. Wright WH Stoddard

Parental Handbook
  For Parents Dedicated to Local Control
  of Public Education of Children
  According to the Constitution
E Enstrom, Jr.
Penrod:  His Complete Story Booth Tarkington RW Franson
Porterhouse Blue Tom Sharpe RW Franson
Pygmalion  [film] Shaw / Asquith / Howard / Hiller  RW Franson

Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech Gordonaires RW Franson

Schooling by Rubber Hose
  Joetown, West Virginia, circa 1912
PL Monroe
Soon (In 48 Years' Time) Alexandra Kollontai RW Franson

Village School Miss Reed
  (Dora Saint)
JM Franson

We Are Not Amused, Sir Guillaume Scott Farrell RW Franson
Where the Red Fern Grows Wilson Rawls RW Franson

[Theseus' palace in Athens.]


I must confess that I have heard so much,
And with Demetrius thought to have spoke thereof;
But, being over-full of self affairs,
My mind did lose it. But, Demetrius, come;
And come, Egeus. You shall go with me.
I have some private schooling for you both.
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1.1.111-116

Enstrom Foundation
Liberate Public Schools from Government by Lawsuit:
the 17-year pro bono defense
of students' & parents' Constitutional rights

photo, top right:
DHF contemplates
Franklin Elementary School,
San Diego

On Serafima Vitalievna, a young counterintelligence officer;
observer inside a technology-development compound in the Gulag:

She, and many other classmates with her, had carried away no knowledge when she left the institute. For a number of reasons. The girls had arrived from school knowing no mathematics and no physics (they had found out in the higher classes that teachers who gave low marks were upbraided by the headmaster at staff meetings, so that you could get your graduation certificate without studying at all). Then, in the institute, the girls sat down to work at their math and radio technology as if they were lost in a bewildering, pathless, alien forest.

More often than not, there just wasn't time to study. For a month and more every autumn students were whisked off to collective farms to dig potatoes, so that for the rest of the year they had eight or even ten lectures a day, with no time to go over their notes. Monday was political education day, and there would be another compulsory meeting of some sort later in the week. Then "social work": wall newspapers, amateur concerts ... help out at home, do the shopping, wash, change your clothes ... an evening at the movies, the theater, the club. If you can't have fun, can't dance a bit in your student days, you may never get another chance. Young people aren't meant to work themselves to death.

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
7. "A Woman's Heart"
In the First Circle
A Novel. The Restored Text.  (1968; 2009)
translated by Harry T. Willetts


What I don't advise is that we remain as we are. And if anyone laughs at us because we think it worthwhile to spend our time in school at our age, then I think we should confront him with the saying of Homer, "Modesty is not a good mate for a needy man."
Laches, 201b
translated by Rosamond Kent Sprague
Complete Works
edited by John M.Cooper

[Note by RWF:]

And yet — when we look at Socrates' reference to The Odyssey, given as XVII.347, what is the setting? Telemachus is urging his returned father Odysseus, incognito as a beggar in his own palace, to beg scraps of food from the assembled suitors of Penelope. Advised by Athena, Odysseus does so, putting himself forward as a refinement of the assumed modesty or bashfulness of his beggarly role.

Yet is not the wisest person at the feast actually Odysseus? Both inwardly, and as will soon be demonstrated, outwardly, Odysseus is the rightful King of Ithaca. Odysseus' modesty is feigned as is his needy begging; of worldly possessions he has been for a time bereft, but he is the man of knowledge.

Does Socrates here tell us something about himself?


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