Mine railcar gondola, Jerome, Arizona - 2011, JMF

Transport at Troynovant:
zooming or trundling along via vehicles
such as ships, autos, trains,
aircraft, & spacecraft,
with some industrial & cultural allies;
listed by Title

Works involving only or mostly animal, mental, or temporal transport, or forays afoot, generally are not listed here. Vehicular transport suffuses culture from oxcarts and chariots and wagon trains, through the Age of Sail and the Age of Steam. Many works of fiction are more or less dependent on transport to keep the plot moving, as are history and biography to shunt people into or between adventures: thus our inclusion threshold must be rather arbitrary.

Absent-Minded Professor, The Robert Stevenson / Fred MacMurray, Keenan Wynn RW Franson
Aerial Cableway, Niagara Falls
  Postcard, 18 July 1936
DL Franson,
WR Franson
Agent of Vega & Other Stories James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Amazing Stories, 1926-1995
  An Obituary, with an Aside on Buck Rogers
DL Franson
Angel's Flight, Los Angeles
  Postcard, 21 August 1952
VH Franson
Argonauts of the Air, The H. G. Wells RW Franson

Between Planets Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Black Powder War Naomi Novik WH Stoddard
Black Star Passes, The John W. Campbell R Grube
Born in a Lighthouse
  Escanaba, Michigan 1888
ER Franson
Brick Moon, The Edward Everett Hale RW Franson
Busing —Not Integration— Opposed
  Invoke Our Color-Blind Constitution to End It
E Enstrom, Jr.

Chevrolet Vega
WR Franson
Citizen of the Galaxy Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Cunard Steamship Company
  Aquitania, Mauretania, Lusitania
  advertisement, March 1915

Day-Nite Garage, The
  Eugene, Oregon 1939-1941
WR Franson
Derby Day Hal Roach / Our Gang RW Franson
Duesenberg Automobiles
WR Franson

Electric House, The Buster Keaton RW Franson
Encounter Program Robert Enstrom RW Franson

Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
Jane Espenson RW Franson
Firefly dvd series Joss Whedon RW Franson,
DH Franson
Firm of Girdlestone, The A. Conan Doyle RW Franson

Game of Rat and Dragon, The Cordwainer Smith RW Franson
Gas-Electric Cars Go Way Back
  Some History and Prospects
WR Franson
Geared Way, Way Down
  A Parable of Efficiency
WR Franson
General, The Buster Keaton RW Franson
Ghost Pirates, The William Hope Hodgson RW Franson
Goldfish Bowl Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Great Mail Robbery, The Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson
Grey Seas Under, The Farley Mowat RW Franson
GURPS Steam-Tech
  A Compendium of Marvelous Devices
  for the Age of Steam
William H. Stoddard RW Franson

Have Space Suit — Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
How Many Wheels?
  Early Three-Cornered Cars
WR Franson
Hupmobile Automobiles
WR Franson

I Was Ejected from a Spaceship
  Atlas 10-B Orbits the Earth
  San Diego 1958
WR Franson
Improper Authorities, The Fritz Leiber RW Franson

Junkyard Planet
  (The Cosmic Computer)
  (Graveyard of Dreams)
H. Beam Piper RW Franson

King of the Texas Rangers English & Witney / Sammy Baugh / Duncan Renaldo RW Franson,
DH Franson

Lady on a Train David / Durbin RW Franson
Land Ironclads, The H. G. Wells RW Franson
Last of the Winnebagos, The Connie Willis RW Franson
Lightning Strikes the Lighthouse
  Escanaba, Michigan 1906
WR Franson
Log of a Cowboy, The Andy Adams RW Franson
Low Flying Planes, Subway Trains and Automobiles A Brown
Luck versus Auto Accidents
  With Some Scrapes and Escapes
WR Franson

Misfit Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Model T Ford
WR Franson
Music Box, The Laurel and Hardy RW Franson
My First Car
  1927 Chevrolet Coupe
WR Franson
Mystery of the Blue Train, The Agatha Christie RW Franson

  The Explorer as Hero
Roland Huntford RW Franson
NASA Schooldays
  Houston, Texas
A Cox
Negative Railway, A F Bastiat
Northern Pacific Railway
  Observation-Library Car
  advertisement, 1906
Null-A series A. E. van Vogt RW Franson

Old Cars in the Movies
  Prop Cars, Comedy Trick Cars,
  Gangster Cars
WR Franson
Old Route 66
  1932, 1934, 1946
WR Franson

Pierce-Arrow Automobiles
WR Franson
Pilots' Proverbs
  Parental Wisdom Brought Down to Earth
RW Franson

Revolt Christopher Anvil RW Franson
Rickenbacker Automobiles
WR Franson
Rocket Belts' Slow Liftoff RW Franson
Rocket Ship Galileo Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Role of Business and the Virtuous Cycle of Progress
  in Robert Heinlein's 'Methuselah's Children', The

G Stolyarov II

Rolling Stones, The

Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Sandy River Service Station
  Troutdale, Oregon 1938-1939
WR Franson
Sargasso of Space Andre Norton RW Franson
Serenity Joss Whedon RW Franson,
DH Franson
Serenity Joss Whedon WH Stoddard
Shadow of the Ship, The
  [ ==> Overflight at Troynovant ]
Robert Wilfred Franson   
Shattered Sword
  The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway
Jonathan B. Parshall
  & Anthony P. Tully
RW Franson
Ship That Found Herself, The Rudyard Kipling RW Franson
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Conran / Law / Paltrow / Jolie   S Cook
So I Jumped Into the Alien Vehicle
  A Turnabout Suspension of Disbelief
DL Franson
Spanish Gold George A. Birmingham RW Franson
Sphinx Daybreak
  [ ==> Overflight at Troynovant ]
Robert Wilfred Franson   
Stearns-Knight Automobiles
WR Franson
Streamlining WR Franson

Talents, Incorporated Murray Leinster RW Franson
Trapped in the Sea of Stars Fritz Leiber RW Franson
Tribute to Franson's Motor News, A RW Franson
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne WH Stoddard

United 93 Paul Greengrass CB Kurtz

Victory at Sea Henry Salomon; Richard Rodgers RW Franson

Wailing Asteroid, The Murray Leinster RW Franson
Wench Is Dead, The Colin Dexter RW Franson
While You Were Sleeping Jon Turteltaub / Sandra Bullock RW Franson
Witches of Karres, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Wreck of The River of Stars, The Michael Flynn WH Stoddard


— correspondence —

To Wilfred R. Franson
  Charleston Army Air Field, South Carolina
  Letter, 19 April 1944
VH Franson

[The palace, London.]

King Henry:

My lords ambassadors, your several suits
Have been considered and debated on.

Your purpose is both good and reasonable,
And therefore are we certainly resolved
To draw conditions of a friendly peace,
Which by my lord of Winchester we mean
Shall be transported presently to France.

William Shakespeare
1 Henry VI, 5.1.34-40

Fuel at Troynovant
wood, coal, & oil;
wind & water; nuclear & solar

Gravity at Troynovant
gravitation & contragravity:
applied, shaped, & redirected

ReFuture at Troynovant
history of science fiction
& progress of fantasy

Presentations by Title
pictorial advertisements
for the light of other days
from the lost Discovered Country;
overflowing that Bourne
which few Travelers avoid

The Queen and Duchess of Cambridge
at Baker Street for Tube 150th Anniversary


Milwaukee Road pass 1939 Mrs G E Howe

1939-40 pass card, for
Mrs. G. E. Howe
Wife of Engineer

my grandmother's travel pass
on the Chicago, Milwaukee,
St. Paul and Pacific Railroad

(The Milwaukee Road)

photo, top right:
mine railcar, gondola

photo, right:
mine railcars, hopper, & beams

for copper mines at Jerome, Arizona

Douglas Mansion Museum,
Jerome State Historic Park

railcar photos by Jennifer M. Franson

Mine railcars hopper, beams: Jerome, Arizona - 2011, JMF

U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, sailboats<br />
					San Diego Harbor; Robert W. Franson


U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, sailboats
San Diego Harbor; RWF
on the flight deck of the
USS Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum


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