Postcard map - Viaduc de la ligne du Nord, Luxembourg Europe at Troynovant:
a survey among the European peoples & culture,
including science & industry,
history, geography, & literature;
listed by Title

For Britain, Germany, Russia,
see their respective indexes.

... the fight against Plato ... has created in Europe a magnificent tension of the spirit the like of which had never yet existed on earth: with so tense a bow we can now shoot for the most distant goals. ...

But we who are neither Jesuits nor democrats, nor even German enough, we good Europeans and free, very free spirits — we still feel it, the whole need of the spirit and the whole tension of its bow. And perhaps also the arrow, the task, and — who knows? — the goal —

Friedrich Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil, Preface
translated by Walter Kaufmann

All the Dogs of Europe Barbara Paul RW Franson
Advertisement Touching a Holy War
  (Laurence Lampert edition)
Francis Bacon RW Franson
Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia
  of Science and Technology
Isaac Asimov RW Franson
Augustus Mandrell series
  (the Commissions)
  1. Of All the Bloody Cheek
  2. Rather a Vicious Gentleman
  3. For Murder I Charge More
Frank McAuliffe RW Franson

By Ships Alone
  Churchill and the Dardanelles
Jeffrey D. Wallin RW Franson

Chivalry on the Wing
  Medieval Falconry
S Farrell
Court Will Begin at Half-Way Terce
  Keeping Time in High Medieval Europe
A Farrell

East Europe Reads Nietzsche Alice Freifeld,
  Peter Bergmann
  & Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal 
RW Franson

Great Siege, The
  Malta 1565
Ernle Bradford RW Franson

Hitler in Warsaw; Birthday in Krakau
  Postcard, 20 April 1941
RW Franson

I'll Grind His Bones to Make My Bread
  An Unscientific Enquiry into a Failed Experiment
  in Quasi-Cannibalism
JM Franson
Innocents Abroad, The Mark Twain RW Franson

Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
H. E. Jacob RW Franson

  The Explorer as Hero
Roland Huntford RW Franson

Picaro in Hitler's Europe, A Walter Arndt ZB Matkowska

Ruritania's Successors
  Fictional Kingdoms in Modern Romance
RW Franson

Six Thousand Years of Bread
  Its Holy and Unholy History
H. E. Jacob JL Iannolo

Speaking through Texts
  manifest culture; & action this day

RW Franson
Sudetenland and Anti-Nazi Options
  Points on Central Europe, 1936-1938
RW Franson

Telemark to Wisconsin
  The Kleven Family,
  Norwegian Immigrants to America
  1842-1843 and After
E Cleven
Three-Day-Pass, A
  Paris, March 1945
DL Franson

Were It Not for America
  1940-1945 / 2011
J Myrdal
W.S.C. - A Cartoon Biography Fred Urquhart RW Franson

Zenith and Decline
  The Hanseatic League and the Teutonic Order
  in the Late 14th and Early 15th Centuries
JM Franson

[Gaultres Forest in Yorkshire, England.]

Sir John Coleville (a rebel against King Henry IV) [kneeling]:

I think you are Sir John Falstaff, and in that yield me.

Sir John Falstaff [aside]:

I have a whole school of tongues in this belly of mine, and not a tongue of them all speaks any other word but my name. An I had but a belly of any indifferency, I were simply the most active fellow in Europe.

William Shakespeare
2 Henry IV, 4.2.14-19

Postcard photo - King Carl XII's Square, Stockholm


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