Danzig ist Deutsch, Nazi postcard 1939 Germany at Troynovant:
a survey among Imperial Germany,
Third Reich & Bundesrepublik:
history, geography, & literature
of Prussia, Bavaria, Austria,
& all German-speaking peoples;
listed by Title

All the Dogs of Europe Barbara Paul RW Franson
Anti-Recipes for Coffee
  U.S. Army, West Germany
RW Franson

Berlin Diary
  The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent
William L. Shirer RW Franson
Best of Rilke, The
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
Rainer Maria Rilke RW Franson

  A Tragedy
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe RW Franson
Friedrich Nietzsche at Troynovant

German High Command at War, The
  Hindenburg and Ludendorff
  Conduct World War I
Robert B. Asprey RW Franson
Great Contemporaries Winston S. Churchill RW Franson

He Walked Around the Horses H. Beam Piper RW Franson
Hitler's Shattered Dream, 1932 RW Franson
Hitler in Warsaw; Birthday in Krakau
  Postcard, 20 April 1941
RW Franson

Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
H. E. Jacob RW Franson

Nazi-Communist Partnership
  Elective Affinities, Offensive Alliances
RW Franson
Nietzsche at Troynovant

  Changing the Heart of a Nation
Ray Comfort SE Jordan
Oops — Hitler!
  A Surprise in Context
RW Franson
Our Famous Guest
  Mark Twain in Vienna
Carl Dolmetsch BA Lopez

Peace at Troynovant
Picaro in Hitler's Europe, A Walter Arndt ZB Matkowska

Reichstag Fire, The
  Legend and Truth
Fritz Tobias RW Franson

Siege of Vienna, The
John Stoye RW Franson
1632 Eric Flint RW Franson
Songs of Love and Grief
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
Heinrich Heine RW Franson
Sudetenland and Anti-Nazi Options
  Points on Central Europe, 1936-1938
RW Franson

Third Man, The Reed / Greene / Cotten, Welles, Valli RW Franson

Wiesbaden Stadtschloss
  Postcard, 18 July 1945
DL Franson
  Postcard, 8 September 1945
DL Franson

[London. Anteroom and council chamber at court.]


Which reformation must be sudden too,
My noble lords; for those that tame wild horses
Pace 'em not in their hands to make 'em gentle,
But stop their mouths with stubborn bits and spur 'em
Till they obey the manage. If we suffer,
Out of our easiness and childish pity
To one man's honour, this contagious sickness,
Farewell all physic — and what follows then?
Commotions, uproars — with a general taint
Of the whole state, as of late days our neighbours,
The upper Germany, can dearly witness,
Yet freshly pitied in our memories.

William Shakespeare & John Fletcher
All Is True (Henry VIII), 5.2.54-65

Music at Troynovant
music, song, dance, & composers

postcard, top right:
Danzig ist Deutsch
(Danzig is German);
Nazi eagle, swastika,
St. Mary's Church,
sunlight breaking through clouds.
Libraries, University of Wisconsin - Madison

map, bottom:
Imperial Germany, 1886
Cram's Unrivaled
Family Atlas of the World


Imperial Germany map 1886, Cram's Atlas


2 August 1914

At 2.20 today, 2nd August, the following note was handed to the French and German Ambassadors: 'The British Government would not allow the passage of German ships through the English Channel or the North Sea in order to attack the coasts or shipping of France.'

Be prepared to meet surprise attacks.

Admiralty to
    Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet;
    Vice-Admirals, 2nd and 3rd Fleet;
    Commander-in-Chief, Home Ports.

Randolph S. Churchill
Winston S. Churchill, 2: Young Statesman 1901-1914
W.S.C. Companion Volume 2, Part 3: 1911-1914


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