Postcard art - Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Kremlin, Moscow Russia at Troynovant:
Russia, Russian Empire,
Soviet Union (USSR),
successor states;
listed by Title

Ayn Rand
  The Russian Radical
Chris Matthew Sciabarra LH Hunt

Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution
  A Political Biography 1888-1938
Stephen F. Cohen RW Franson

Commissar Vanishes, The
  The Falsification of Photographs and Art
  in Stalin's Russia
David King RW Franson

East Europe Reads Nietzsche Alice Freifeld,
  Peter Bergmann
  & Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal 
RW Franson

Fire Came By, The
  [Tunguska, Siberia 1908]
John Baxter
  & Thomas Atkins
RW Franson

Harpo Speaks Harpo Marx
  & Rowland Barber
RW Franson

Inspector General, The [film] Nikolai Gogol / Henry Koster / Danny Kaye RW Franson

Music Box, The
  [Soviet postcard: the Odessa Steps]
Laurel and Hardy RW Franson

Nazi-Communist Partnership
  Elective Affinities, Offensive Alliances
RW Franson
Ninotchka Lubitsch / Garbo RW Franson

  The Hiss-Chambers Case
Allen Weinstein RW Franson
Politics, Murder, and Love in Stalin's Kremlin
  The Story of Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina
Paul R. Gregory PT Smith
Princess for the Gentleman, A Mindy Burbidge Strunk RW Franson

Rock in the Baltic, A Robert Barr RW Franson

Soon (In 48 Years' Time) Alexandra Kollontai RW Franson
Speaking through Texts
  manifest culture; & action this day
RW Franson

Ukraine, The
  A History
W. E. D. Allen RW Franson

Warfare at Troynovant
  war, general weaponry,
  & philosophy of war


[Sicilia. A court of justice.]


The Emperor of Russia was my father:
O that he were alive, and here beholding
His daughter's trial; that he did but see
The flatness of my misery — yet with eyes
Of pity, not revenge.

William Shakespeare
The Winter's Tale, 3.2.117-121

Postcard photo - Reoublican Bridge, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad 1920s

Imperial Russian postcard, upper right:
Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Kremlin.
Tsar Ivan Veliki,
reigned in Muscovy 1462-1505;
tower built 1505-1508

Soviet postcard, above:
Republican Bridge
& Academy of Sciences

photo, bottom:
Soviet tanks on street
during Siege of Leningrad

Soviet tanks on street during German Siege of Leningrad 1941-1944


The German encirclement of Leningrad [St. Petersburg] was the longest and most lethal siege in history at 872 days. When it began on September 8, 1941, Leningrad was the largest city — at 2.5 million inhabitants — ever to endure complete envelopment. Yet amid Nazi bombing, artillery strikes, starvation, disease, the cold, and the desperate effort to evacuate the blockaded city, Leningrad was among the first major sieges of the twentieth century to fail.

Nearly four million Russian soldiers were killed, wounded, went missing, or were captured in the fighting in and around Leningrad and on the nearby Baltic front during the siege. Indeed, the Red Army suffered 14 percent of all its World War II casualties defending the single city and key port on the Gulf of Finland. Russian dead in and around Leningrad were four times greater than the death toll of all Americans lost in World War II.

[Leningrad was defended for its very existence: the German goal had been total.] "The Fuehrer has decided to erase the city of Petersburg from the face of the earth," read a Nazi directive.

Victor Davis Hanson
"Sieges", p312-313
The Second World Wars
How the First Global Conflict
Was Fought and Won  (2017)

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