Topography at Troynovant:
an alternate, Geographic Contents,
some index surveys or overviews
of spheres & cultures of the extended Troad
These regions at Troynovant do not represent static territories with absolute boundaries. The named topics are alternate neighborhoods in Troy-town, seen from diverse perspectives.
We look over a multicolor site map of many-regioned Troy of historical imagination, from the treasures of antiquity, to the discoveries of the future — including its environs, the Troad; with its perspectives, Troynovant.
In relational-database terminology, our Regions are alternate views of the geographical structure. Gallant spheres and cultures of musical concord and discord in time and space, sounding our hunt for the days and centuries and eons of history.
When the siege and the assault had ceased at Troy, and the
fortress fell in flame to firebrands and ashes ....
— it was Aeneas the noble
and his renowned kindred who then laid under them lands ...
When royal Romulus to Rome his road had taken, in
great pomp and pride he peopled it first, and named it with
his own name that yet now it bears ...
and far over the French flood Felix Brutus on many a broad
bank and brae Britain
established full fair ...
The Pearl-Poet (or Gawain-Poet)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, section 1 (circa 1375)
translated by J.R.R. Tolkien
Britain |
Britain, British Empire, Commonwealth
Germany |
Prussia, Bavaria, Austria, Imperial Germany, Third Reich
Russia |
Russia, Russian Empire, Soviet Union (USSR),
successor states
Europe |
Europa in general, geography, peoples, culture
Luna |
the Moon & Lunar exploration
Solar |
Solar System in general, Sun, planets
(We reckon that more regions will be surveyed.)
[A wood near Athens.]
Hippolyta (Queen of the Amazons):
I was with Hercules and Cadmus once,
When in a wood of Crete they bayed the bear
With hounds of Sparta. Never did I hear
Such gallant chiding; for besides the groves,
The skies, the fountains, every region near
Seemed all one mutual cry. I never heard
So musical a discord, such sweet thunder.
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 4.1.109-115

via emanant Olympians.
postcard map, top right:
Duchy of Luxembourg
postcard, above:
Bird's-Eye view of
Eugene, Oregon
Genoa.— For a long while now I have been looking at this city, at its villas and pleasure gardens and the far-flung periphery of its inhabited heights and slopes. ... I see faces that belong to past generations; this region is studded with the images of bold and autocratic human beings. They have lived and wished to live on: that is what they are telling me with their houses, built and adorned to last for centuries and not for a fleeting hour; they were well-disposed toward life ... I keep seeing the builders, their eyes resting on everything near and far that they have built, and also on the city, the sea, and the contours of the mountains ... All this they want to fit into their plan and ultimately make their possession by making it part of their plan. This whole region is overgrown with this magnificent, insatiable selfishness of the lust for possessions and spoils; and even as these people refused to recognize any boundaries in distant lands and, thirsting for what was new, placed a new world beside the old one, each rebelled against each at home, too, and found a way to express his superiority and to lay between himself and his neighbor his personal infinity. Each once more conquered his homeland for himself by overwhelming it with his architectural ideas and refashioning it into a house that was a feast for his eyes.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Gay Science, #291 (1882; 1887)
translated by Walter Kaufmann