Many Volumes of Good Wishes, And so many I've in store xs Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Author, A-B

At Troynovant we are more interested in excellent or distinctive work than the merely timely or fashionable. Quality is always in season, and often more topical and entertaining than currency or fashion admit. Thus, we aim to refer and amuse, rather than to announce and forget. We avoid spoiling surprises in reviews that recommend; other works take their chances.

[ alphabetical by book author; book title; reviewer ]

Adams, Andy Log of a Cowboy, The RW Franson
Adams, Norman Dead and Buried?
  The Horrible History of Bodysnatching
JM Franson
Adcock, F.E. Greek and Macedonian Art of War, The RW Franson
Alcott, Louisa May Little Women C Kalescky
Alinsky, Saul D. Reveille for Radicals RW Franson
Allen, W.E.D. Ukraine, The:  A History RW Franson
Anderson, Benjamin M. Economics and the Public Welfare
  A Financial and Economic History
  of the United States, 1914-46
RW Franson
Anglo, Sydney Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe, The WH Stoddard
Appleton, Victor

Tom Swift series

R Grube
Arndt, Walter Picaro in Hitler's Europe, A ZB Matkowska
  (translator) Faust - JW von Goethe RW Franson
  (translator) Songs of Love and Grief - Heinrich Heine RW Franson
Asimov, Isaac Asimov Laughs Again RW Franson
Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia
  of Science and Technology
RW Franson
Asprey, Robert B. German High Command at War, The
  Hindenburg and Ludendorff
  Conduct World War I
RW Franson

Bacon, Francis Advertisement Touching a Holy War
  (Laurence Lampert edition)
RW Franson
Ball, Margaret Disappearing Act RW Franson
Shadow Gate, The RW Franson
Barnett, Thomas P. M. Pentagon's New Map, The
  War and Peace
  in the Twenty-first Century
RW Franson
Barr, Robert Rock in the Baltic, A RW Franson
Barrier, Michael Carl Barks and the Art of the Comic Book RW Franson
Barry, Dave Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up RW Franson
Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs RW Franson
Baxter, John
  & Thomas Atkins
Fire Came By, The
  [Tunguska, Siberia 1908]
RW Franson
Beatty, J. Kelly
  Carolyn Collins Petersen
  & Andrew Chaikin

New Solar System, The

RW Franson
Benford, Gregory Timescape DL Franson
Bernstein, David E. You Can't Say That
  The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties
  from Antidiscrimination Laws
RW Franson
Birmingham, George A. Lalage's Lovers RW Franson
Spanish Gold RW Franson
Black, Edwin War Against the Weak
  Eugenics and America's Campaign
  to Create a Master Race
SE Jordan
Blish, James Jack of Eagles RW Franson
Midsummer Century RW Franson
Quincunx of Time, The RW Franson
Titans' Daughter RW Franson
Bloom, Allan Closing of the American Mind, The
  How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy
  and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students
RW Franson
Boyd, Natasha Accidental Tryst RW Franson
Boylston, Helen Dore Sue Barton, Nurse series WH Stoddard
Boyne, Walter J. Beyond the Horizons
  The Lockheed Story
RW Franson
Bradford, Ernle Great Siege, The
  Malta 1565
RW Franson
Bramah, Ernest Secret of the League, The RW Franson
Bright, Morris
  & Robert Ross
Fawlty Towers:  Fully Booked RW Franson
Brin, David Transparent Society, The
  Will Technology Force Us to Choose
  Between Privacy and Freedom?
RW Franson
Brooks, Walter R. Freddy the Pig series RW Franson
Freddy and the Bean Home News RW Franson
Freddy and the Ignormus RW Franson
Freddy the Cowboy RW Franson
Freddy the Pilot RW Franson
Freddy the Politician RW Franson
Freddy's Cousin Weedly RW Franson
Bruce, Robert V. Lincoln and the Tools of War RW Franson
Bruce, Tammy New Thought Police, The
  Inside the Left's Assault on
  Free Speech and Free Minds
RW Franson
Bryce, Robert M. Cook & Peary
  The Polar Controversy, Resolved
RW Franson
Burnett, Frances Hodgson Lady of Quality, A JM Franson
Lost Prince, The JM Franson

Book reviews by Author, C-F  =>


Thus far with rough and all-unable pen
  Our bending author hath pursued the story,
In little room confining mighty men,
  Mangling by starts the full course of their glory.
Small time, but in that small most greatly lived
  This star of England. Fortune made his sword,
By which the world's best garden be achieved ...
William Shakespeare
Henry V, Epilogue 1-7

Notes to a Proofreader
Offhandedly Noticing at Troynovant;
whence our concern with Non-Proofreading,
or Creative Typography;
despite, or because, error's name is Legion

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