The Mightiest Machine - Astounding, Dec 1934 - Howard V. Brown for John W. Campbell Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Author, C-F

Bookstore Questions and Answers (no, not what you're thinking).

[ alphabetical by book author; book title; reviewer ]

<=  Book reviews by Author, A-B

Campbell, John W. Black Star Passes, The R Grube
Invaders from the Infinite R Grube
Islands of Space R Grube
Mightiest Machine, The R Grube
Carr, John Dickson Death-Watch RW Franson
Cheetham, J. Keith On the Trail of William Shakespeare JM Franson
Christie, Agatha Cards on the Table RW Franson
Cat Among the Pigeons RW Franson
Death in the Air
  (Death in the Clouds)
RW Franson
Death on the Nile RW Franson
Hercule Poirot's Early Cases JM Franson
Holiday for Murder, A
  (Hercule Poirot's Christmas)
  (Murder for Christmas)
JM Franson
Hollow, The
  (Murder After Hours)
RW Franson
Labors of Hercules, The RW Franson
Murder Is Announced, A RW Franson
Mysterious Affair at Styles, The RW Franson
Mystery of the Blue Train, The RW Franson
Poirot Loses a Client
  (Dumb Witness)
RW Franson
Churchill, Winston S. [ ==> Winston S. Churchill at Troynovant ]
Cleese, John
  & Connie Booth
Complete Fawlty Towers, The
RW Franson
Clement, Hal Essential Hal Clement, The - Volume 1
  Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter
RW Franson
Iceworld RW Franson
Cohen, Stephen F. Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution
  A Political Biography 1888-1938
RW Franson
Collins, Wilkie Moonstone, The RW Franson
Conroy, Scott
  & Shushannah Walshe
Sarah From Alaska
  The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education
  of a New Conservative Superstar
CB Kurtz
Coulter, Nicole O. Advice to Sarah Palin From the Know-It-Alls
  A Satirical Journey
RW Franson
Crawford, F. Marion Khaled
  A Tale of Arabia
RW Franson

Dalfonzo, Gina Bring Her Down
  How the American Media
  Tried to Destroy Sarah Palin
NO Coulter
Davidson, Avram
  & Ward Moore
Joyleg RW Franson
Dexter, Colin Wench Is Dead, The RW Franson
Last Seen Wearing RW Franson
Dick, Philip K. Solar Lottery RW Franson
Dickson, Gordon R. Final Encyclopedia, The RW Franson
Dolmetsch, Carl Our Famous Guest
  Mark Twain in Vienna
BA Lopez
Doyle, A. Conan

Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The

RW Franson
Complete Sherlock Holmes, The RW Franson
Firm of Girdlestone, The RW Franson
Micah Clarke RW Franson

Egan, Lesley Motive in Shadow JM Franson
Ellison, Harlan Harlan Ellison's Watching RW Franson
Enstrom, Robert Encounter Program RW Franson
Escott, Colin
  & Martin Hawkins
Good Rockin' Tonight
  Sun Records & the Birth of Rock 'n' Roll
RW Franson
Espenson, Jane Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
RW Franson
Eyman, Scott Print the Legend
  The Life and Times of John Ford
RW Franson

Farrell, Scott

We Are Not Amused, Sir Guillaume

RW Franson
Farrell, Warren Why Men Earn More
  The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap
  and What Women Can Do About It
W McElroy
Fehrenbacher, Don E. Prelude to Greatness
  Lincoln in the 1850s
RW Franson
Fein, Ellen
  & Sherrie Schneider
The Rules: Time-tested Secrets
  for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right
RW Franson
FitzGerald, Edward Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam RW Franson
Flint, Eric 1632 RW Franson
Flynn, Michael Wreck of The River of Stars, The WH Stoddard
Franson, Robert Wilfred [ ==> Overflight at Troynovant ]
Fraser, George MacDonald Quartered Safe Out Here
  A Recollection of the War in Burma
  [February-August 1945]
RW Franson
Freifeld, Alice,
  Peter Bergmann
  & Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal 
East Europe Reads Nietzsche RW Franson
Friedenberg, Edgar Z. Coming of Age in America WH Stoddard
Fund, John Stealing Elections
  How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy
RW Franson

Book reviews by Author, G-L  =>

[The Greek camp before Troy. Outside Calchas' tent.]

Troilus (to Ulysses):

                       O madness of discourse,
That cause sets up with and against thyself!

Bifold authority, where reason can revolt
Without perdition, and loss assume all reason
Without revolt!

William Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida, 5.2.142-146

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