Many Volumes of Good Wishes, And so many I've in store Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Author, G-L

Of time to measure and times to ripen:
A Tale of Two Clocks


[ alphabetical by book author; book title; reviewer ]

<=  Book reviews by Author, C-F

Garth, John Tolkien and the Great War
  The Threshold of Middle Earth
WH Stoddard
Gaskell, Elizabeth North and South WH Stoddard
Gergel, Tania Alexander the Great
  Selected Texts from Arrian, Curtius and Plutarch
RW Franson
Gibbs, Wolcott More in Sorrow RW Franson
Gifford, James Robert A. Heinlein
  A Reader's Companion
RW Franson
Gilbert, Martin In Search of Churchill RW Franson
Gilliver, Peter,
  Jeremy Marshall
  & Edmund Weiner
Ring of Words, The
  Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary
RW Franson
Gilman, Sander L. Conservations with Nietzsche
  A Life in the Words of His Contemporaries
RW Franson
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Faust
  A Tragedy
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
RW Franson
Gornick, Vivian Romance of American Communism, The RW Franson
Greenblatt, Stephen Will in the World
  How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare
RW Franson
  (editor) Norton Shakespeare, The RW Franson
Gregory, Paul R. Politics, Murder, and Love in Stalin's Kremlin
  The Story of Nikolai Bukharin and Anna Larina
PT Smith
Griffin, Jasper Mirror of Myth, The
  Classical Themes & Variations
RW Franson

Hardy, Thomas Laodicean, A
  or, The Castle of the De Stancys.
  A Story of To-Day.
RW Franson
Harriman, David Logical Leap, The
  Induction in Physics
WH Stoddard
Heine, Heinrich Songs of Love and Grief
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
RW Franson
Heinlein, Robert A. [ ==> Robert A. Heinlein at Troynovant ]
Herbert, Frank Santaroga Barrier, The RW Franson
Hertzfeld, Andy Revolution in the Valley
  The Insanely Great Story of
  How the Mac Was Made
RW Franson
Hillerman, Tony Blessing Way, The RW Franson
Fallen Man, The RW Franson
  with Barney Hillerman Hillerman Country
  A Journey through the Southwest
RW Franson
Hirsch, E. D., Jr. Cultural Literacy
  What Every American Needs to Know
RW Franson
Hodgson, William Hope Ghost Pirates, The RW Franson
House on the Borderland, The RW Franson
Hogan, James P. Voyage from Yesteryear R Grube
Holzer, Harold Lincoln at Cooper Union
  The Speech That Made
  Abraham Lincoln President
RW Franson
Hume, David Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An WH Stoddard
Huntford, Roland Nansen
  The Explorer as Hero
RW Franson
Hynes, Angela Pleasures of Afternoon Tea, The JM Franson

Innes, Hammond Doomed Oasis, The RW Franson
Innes, Michael Weight of the Evidence, The RW Franson

Jacob, H. E. Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
RW Franson
  [bibliography of above] JB Berlin
Six Thousand Years of Bread
  Its Holy and Unholy History
JL Iannolo
James, E L Fifty Shades
  Fifty Shades of Grey
  Fifty Shades Darker
  Fifty Shades Freed
RW Franson
Jones, Gerard Men of Tomorrow
  Geeks, Gangsters, and the
  Birth of the Comic Book
WH Stoddard

Kaufmann, Walter
    [editor & translator]
Portable Nietzsche, The RW Franson
Kay, Guy Gavriel Under Heaven RW Enstrom
Keeley, Lawrence H. War Before Civilization
The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
RW Franson
Kelland, Clarence Budington Arizona RW Franson
Dreamland RW Franson
Great Mail Robbery, The RW Franson
Kelly, Jack Gunpowder — Alchemy, Bombards & Pyrotechnics
  The History of the Explosive
  that Changed the World
S Farrell
Kelly, Walt Pogo - Through the Wild Blue Wonder
  The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips, Volume 1
RW Franson
Khayyam, Omar Rubaiyat (trans. FitzGerald) RW Franson
King, David Commissar Vanishes, The
  The Falsification of Photographs and Art
  in Stalin's Russia
RW Franson
King, Stephen Stand, The R Grube
Kingsbury, Donald Psychohistorical Crisis WH Stoddard
Kjelgaard, Jim Chip, the Dam Builder RW Franson
Snow Dog DH Franson
Knight, Damon Charles Fort
  Prophet of the Unexplained
RW Franson
In Search of Wonder
  Essays on Modern Science Fiction
RW Franson
Krakauer, Jon Into Thin Air
  A Personal Account of
  the Mount Everest Disaster
RW Franson
Kuttner, Henry Robots Have No Tails (The Proud Robot) RW Franson
Kyle, David Pictorial History of Science Fiction RW Franson
Science Fiction Ideas & Dreams RW Franson

L'Amour, Louis Sackett RW Franson
Lampert, Laurence Leo Strauss and Nietzsche RW Franson
Nietzsche's Task
  An Interpretation of
  Beyond Good and Evil
RW Franson
    editor of: Francis Bacon Advertisement Touching a Holy War RW Franson
Langworth, Richard M. Connoisseur's Guide to the Books
  of Sir Winston Churchill
RW Franson
Larson, Gary Complete Far Side, The
RW Franson
Laumer, Keith Retief
RW Franson
Leerhsen, Charles Crazy Good
  The True Story of Dan Patch,
  the Most Famous Horse in America
RW Franson
Leiber, Fritz [ ==> Fritz Leiber at Troynovant ]
Leinster, Murray
  (Will F. Jenkins)
First Contacts: Short Stories RW Franson
Forgotten Planet, The DH Franson
Logic Named Joe, A
RW Franson
Murder Will Out
  (The Purple Hieroglyph)
RW Franson
Talents, Incorporated RW Franson
Wailing Asteroid, The RW Franson
Levin, Mark R. Men in Black
  How the Supreme Court
  Is Destroying America
RW Franson
Levy, Steven Crypto
  How Code Rebels Beat the Government —
  Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
RW Franson
Insanely Great
  The Life and Times of Macintosh,
  the Computer That Changed Everything
RW Franson
Ley, Willy Shells and Shooting RW Franson
Liebling, A. J. Earl of Louisiana, The RW Franson
Sweet Science, The
  Boxing and Boxiana — A Ringside View
RW Franson
Lindsay, Jack 1764: The Hurlyburly of Daily Life
  Exemplified in One Year of the 18th Century
RW Franson
Little, Lewis E. Theory of Elementary Waves, The
  A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics
DM Sandin
Loades, Mike Swords and Swordsmen S Farrell
Lomborg, Bjorn Skeptical Environmentalist, The
  Measuring the Real State of the World
WH Stoddard
Long, E. B. Civil War Day by Day, The
  An Almanac, 1861-1865
RW Franson
Lovecraft, H. P. Complete Fiction, The RW Franson
Lowell, Elizabeth
  (Ann Maxwell)
Reckless Love RW Franson
Lukacs, John Five Days in London, May 1940 RW Franson

Book reviews by Author, M-R  =>

[The King's park.]


For where is any author in the world
Teaches such beauty as a woman's eye?

Learning is but an adjunct to ourself,
And where we are, our learning likewise is.
Then when ourselves we see in ladies' eyes ...
Do not we likewise see our learning there?

William Shakespeare
Love's Labour's Lost,

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