Many Volumes of Good Wishes, And so many I've in store Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Author, S-Z

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  or, Never Without a Book

[ alphabetical by book author; book title; reviewer ]

<=  Book reviews by Author, M-R

Satterthwait, Walter Escapade RW Franson
Schmitz, James H.

Agent of Vega & Other Stories

RW Franson
Best of James H. Schmitz, The
RW Franson
Demon Breed, The (The Tuvela) RW Franson
Hub, The:  Dangerous Territory
RW Franson
Legacy (A Tale of Two Clocks) RW Franson
Lion Game, The
RW Franson
Tale of Two Clocks, A RW Franson
Telzey Amberdon series RW Franson
Telzey Amberdon
RW Franson
Universe Against Her, The RW Franson
Witches of Karres, The RW Franson
Schulman, J. Neil Robert Heinlein Interview, The
  and Other Heinleiniana
RW Franson
Sciabarra, Chris Matthew Ayn Rand
  The Russian Radical
LH Hunt
Secara, Maggie Compendium of Common Knowledge, A
  Elizabethan Commonplaces
  for Writers, Actors & Re-enactors
JM Franson
Shadwell, Thomas Virtuoso, The RW Franson
Shakespeare, William [ ==> William Shakespeare at Troynovant ]
Sharpe, Tom Blott on the Landscape RW Franson
Grantchester Grind RW Franson
Porterhouse Blue RW Franson
Shaw, George Bernard Devil's Disciple, The RW Franson
Man and Superman RW Franson
Shirer, William L. Berlin Diary
  The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent
RW Franson
Shirley, Craig Reagan's Revolution
  [the 1976 nomination campaign]
RW Franson
Rendezvous with Destiny
  [Reagan and the 1980 Presidential campaigns]
RW Franson
Skousen, W. Cleon Five Thousand Year Leap, The
  The 28 Great Ideas
  That Changed the World
SE Jordan
Sowell, Thomas Conflict of Visions, A
  Ideological Origins of Political Struggles
SE Jordan
Race and Culture
  A World View
RW Franson
Spalding, Matthew We Still Hold These Truths
  Rediscovering Our Principles,
  Reclaiming Our Future
SE Jordan
Stephenson, Neal Cryptonomicon WH Stoddard
Steyn, Mark Broadway Babies Say Goodnight
  Musicals Then and Now
RW Franson
Stoddard, William H. GURPS Fantasy RW Franson
GURPS Steampunk RW Franson
GURPS Steam-Tech
  A Compendium of Marvelous Devices
  for the Age of Steam
RW Franson
Stolyarov II, Gennady Death is Wrong RW Franson
Storrer, William Allin Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The
  A Complete Catalog
RW Franson
Stout, Rex Black Mountain, The RW Franson
Champagne for One RW Franson
Death of a Doxy RW Franson
Fer-de-Lance RW Franson
Final Deduction, The RW Franson
Gambit RW Franson
If Death Ever Slept RW Franson
Murder by the Book RW Franson
Prisoner's Base
  (Out Goes She)
RW Franson
Right to Die, A RW Franson
Rubber Band, The RW Franson
Silent Speaker, The RW Franson
Some Buried Caesar RW Franson
Too Many Cooks RW Franson,
JM Franson
Too Many Women
RW Franson
Stoye, John Siege of Vienna, The
RW Franson
Stross, Charles Halting State WH Stoddard
Strunk, Mindy Burbidge Princess for the Gentleman, A RW Franson
Sturgeon, Theodore Venus Plus X RW Franson

Tarkington, Booth Penrod:  His Complete Story RW Franson
Tevis, Walter Queen's Gambit, The RW Franson
Thomas, Clarence My Grandfather's Son
  A Memoir
RW Franson
Thurber, James Let Your Mind Alone RW Franson
My Life and Hard Times RW Franson
Writings and Drawings RW Franson
Years with Ross, The RW Franson
Tobias, Fritz Reichstag Fire, The
  Legend and Truth
RW Franson
Tompkins, Peter Secrets of the Great Pyramid RW Franson
Torres, Louis
   & Michelle Marder Kamhi
What Art Is
  The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand
WH Stoddard
Truss, Lynne Eats, Shoots & Leaves
  The Zero Tolerance Approach
  to Punctuation
A Cox
Tucker, Wilson Lincoln Hunters, The RW Franson
Twain, Mark [ ==> Mark Twain at Troynovant ]

Upfield, Arthur W. Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte series RW Franson
Bone Is Pointed, The RW Franson
Death of a Lake RW Franson
Death of a Swagman RW Franson
Devil's Steps, The RW Franson
Murchison Murders, The
  [and other essays]
RW Franson
Urquhart, Fred W.S.C. - A Cartoon Biography RW Franson

van Vogt, A. E. Players of Null-A, The RW Franson
Slan RW Franson
Weapon Makers, The RW Franson
Weapon Shops of Isher, The RW Franson
World of Null-A, The RW Franson
Verne, Jules Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea WH Stoddard
Vinge, Vernor Deepness in the Sky, A WH Stoddard
Voltaire Philosophical Letters W McElroy

Wallin, Jeffrey D. By Ships Alone
  Churchill and the Dardanelles
RW Franson
Walton, Jo Farthing WH Stoddard
Just City, The WH Stoddard
Washington, George Writings RW Franson
Watterson, Bill Complete Calvin and Hobbes, The
RW Franson
Weber, David Off Armageddon Reef WH Stoddard
Weinstein, Allen Perjury
  The Hiss-Chambers Case
RW Franson
Wells, H.G. Men Like Gods RW Franson
Whitaker, Robert Anatomy of an Epidemic
  Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs,
  and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
SE Jordan
Wilkins, John Discovery of a World in the Moone, The
  or, A Discourse Tending to Prove
  that 'tis probable there may be another
  habitable World in that Planet
RW Franson
Williams, Lorraine Dille Buck Rogers
  The First 60 Years in the 25th Century
DL Franson
Williamson, Jack Darker Than You Think WH Stoddard
Willis, Connie Bellwether RW Franson
Miracle and Other Christmas Stories RW Franson
Remake RW Franson
To Say Nothing of the Dog RW Franson
Wilson, Colin Mind Parasites, The RW Franson
Winsor, G. McLeod Station X WH Stoddard
Wodehouse, P. G. Adventures of Sally, The RW Franson
Wright, John C. Orphans of Chaos WH Stoddard

Zelazny, Roger Dead Man's Brother, The RW Franson
Jack of Shadows RW Franson
To Die in Italbar RW Franson

[anonymous] Reporting Vietnam
  American Journalism 1959-1975
RW Franson

For an alternate sequence, see
Book reviews by Title

[The English camp at Agincourt in France.]

King Harry V:
... by your rule ... if a servant, under his master's command transporting a sum of money, be assailed by robbers, and die in many irreconciled inequities, you may call the business of the master the author of the servant's damnation. But this is not so. The King is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of his servant, for they purpose not their deaths when they propose their services.
William Shakespeare
Henry V, 4.1.141-148

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