Many Volumes of Good Wishes, Many Happy Returns Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Title, A-B

At Troynovant we are more interested in excellent or distinctive work than the merely timely or fashionable. Quality is always in season, and often more topical and entertaining than currency or fashion admit. Thus, we aim to refer and amuse, rather than to announce and forget. We avoid spoiling surprises in reviews that recommend; other works take their chances.

Some books are reborn posthumously; for instance, Heinlein's Missed Bestsellers.

The engineer said, when they cheered his name,
"We're right on time, but this is yesterday's train."
"The Rock Island Line"

[ alphabetical by book title; book author; reviewer ]

Accidental Tryst Natasha Boyd RW Franson
Adventures of Sally, The P. G. Wodehouse RW Franson
Advertisement Touching a Holy War
  (Laurence Lampert edition)
Francis Bacon RW Franson
Advice to Sarah Palin From the Know-It-Alls
  A Satirical Journey
Nicole O. Coulter RW Franson
Agent of Vega & Other Stories James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Alexander the Great
  Selected Texts from Arrian, Curtius and Plutarch
Tania Gergel RW Franson
Anatomy of an Epidemic
  Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs,
  and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
Robert Whitaker SE Jordan
Annotated Sherlock Holmes, The A. Conan Doyle RW Franson
Anthem Ayn Rand RW Franson
  [ ==> Ayn Rand at Troynovant ]
Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, The
  A Complete Catalog
William Allin Storrer RW Franson
Arcot-Morey-Wade series
  The Black Star Passes
  Islands of Space
  Invaders from the Infinite
John W. Campbell R Grube
Arizona Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson
Art of Fiction, The
  [ ==> Ayn Rand at Troynovant ]
Asimov Laughs Again Isaac Asimov RW Franson
Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia
  of Science and Technology
Isaac Asimov RW Franson
Atlas Shrugged
  [ ==> Ayn Rand at Troynovant ]
Augustus Mandrell series
  (the Commissions)
Frank McAuliffe RW Franson
Ayn Rand
  The Russian Radical
Chris Matthew Sciabarra LH Hunt

Basic Writings of Nietzsche
  (edited & translated by Walter Kaufmann)
Friedrich Nietzsche RW Franson
Bellwether Connie Willis RW Franson
Berlin Diary
  The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent
William L. Shirer RW Franson
Best of James H. Schmitz, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Best of Rilke, The
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
Rainer Maria Rilke RW Franson
Between Planets Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Beyond the Horizons
  The Lockheed Story
Walter J. Boyne RW Franson
  The Christmastide Battle
  [Vietnam, December 1966]
S.L.A. Marshall RW Franson
Black Mountain, The Rex Stout RW Franson
Black Powder War Naomi Novik WH Stoddard
Black Star Passes, The John W. Campbell R Grube
Blessing Way, The Tony Hillerman RW Franson
Blott on the Landscape Tom Sharpe RW Franson
Bone Is Pointed, The Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Bride's Story, A
  [graphic series]
Kaoru Mori WH Stoddard
Bring Her Down
  How the American Media
  Tried to Destroy Sarah Palin
Gina Dalfonzo NO Coulter
Broadway Babies Say Goodnight
  Musicals Then and Now
Mark Steyn RW Franson
Buck Rogers
  The First 60 Years in the 25th Century
Lorraine Dille Williams DL Franson
Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution
  A Political Biography 1888-1938
Stephen F. Cohen RW Franson
By Ships Alone
  Churchill and the Dardanelles
Jeffrey D. Wallin RW Franson

Book reviews by Title, C-F  =>

[An inn in Eastcheap, London.]

Falstaff (to Prince Harry and others):

[Calling]  Hostess, clap to the doors. —
Watch tonight, pray tomorrow. Gallants, lads, boys, hearts of gold,
all the titles of good fellowship come to you!
What, shall we be merry, shall we have a play extempore?

William Shakespeare
1 Henry IV, 2.5.254-257

Notes to a Proofreader
Offhandedly Noticing at Troynovant;
whence our concern with Non-Proofreading,
or Creative Typography;
despite, or because, error's name is Legion

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