Sinister Barrier (Unknown, March 1939, H. W. Scott for Eric Frank Russell Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Title, G-L

And you tell me, friends,
that there is no disputing of taste and tasting?

But all of life is a dispute over taste and tasting.

Friedrich Nietzsche
"On Those Who Are Sublime"
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, II.13  (1883)
translated by Walter Kaufmann
in The Portable Nietzsche

[ alphabetical by book title; book author; reviewer ]

<=  Book reviews by Title, C-F

Gambit Rex Stout RW Franson
German High Command at War, The
  Hindenburg and Ludendorff
  Conduct World War I
Robert B. Asprey RW Franson
Ghost Pirates, The William Hope Hodgson RW Franson
Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything, The John D. MacDonald RW Franson
Going Rogue
  An American Life
Sarah Palin RW Franson
Good Rockin' Tonight
  Sun Records & the Birth of Rock 'n' Roll
Colin Escott
  & Martin Hawkins
RW Franson
Grantchester Grind Tom Sharpe RW Franson
Great Contemporaries Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
Great Mail Robbery, The Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson
Great Siege, The
  Malta 1565
Ernle Bradford RW Franson
Greek and Macedonian Art of War, The F.E. Adcock RW Franson
Green Millennium, The Fritz Leiber RW Franson
Grey Seas Under, The Farley Mowat RW Franson
Gunpowder — Alchemy, Bombards & Pyrotechnics
  The History of the Explosive
  that Changed the World
Jack Kelly S Farrell
GURPS Fantasy William H. Stoddard RW Franson
GURPS Steampunk William H. Stoddard RW Franson
GURPS Steam-Tech
  A Compendium of Marvelous Devices
  for the Age of Steam
William H. Stoddard RW Franson

H. P. Lovecraft
  The Complete Fiction
H. P. Lovecraft RW Franson
Halting State Charles Stross WH Stoddard
Harlan Ellison's Watching Harlan Ellison RW Franson
Harpo Speaks Harpo Marx
  & Rowland Barber
RW Franson
Have Space Suit — Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Hercule Poirot's Early Cases Agatha Christie JM Franson
Hillerman Country
  A Journey through the Southwest
Tony Hillerman
  & Barney Hillerman
RW Franson
His Majesty's Dragon Naomi Novik WH Stoddard
Holiday for Murder, A
  (Hercule Poirot's Christmas)
  (Murder for Christmas)
Agatha Christie JM Franson
Hollow, The
  (Murder After Hours)
Agatha Christie RW Franson
House on the Borderland, The William Hope Hodgson RW Franson
Hub, The:  Dangerous Territory James H. Schmitz RW Franson

Iceworld Hal Clement RW Franson
Ideas of Ayn Rand, The Ronald E. Merrill RW Franson
If Death Ever Slept Rex Stout RW Franson
Immortal Storm, The
  A History of Science Fiction Fandom
Sam Moskowitz RW Franson
Impending Crisis, The
David M. Potter RW Franson
In Search of Churchill Martin Gilbert RW Franson
In Search of Wonder
  Essays on Modern Science Fiction
Damon Knight RW Franson
Inferno Larry Niven
  & Jerry Pournelle
R Grube
Innocents Abroad, The Mark Twain RW Franson
Insanely Great
  The Life and Times of Macintosh,
  the Computer That Changed Everything
Steven Levy RW Franson
Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte series Arthur W. Upfield RW Franson
Into Thin Air
  A Personal Account of
  the Mount Everest Disaster
Jon Krakauer RW Franson
Invaders from the Infinite John W. Campbell R Grube
Ishmael Daniel Quinn G Stolyarov II
Islands of Space John W. Campbell R Grube

Jack of Eagles James Blish RW Franson
Jack of Shadows Roger Zelazny RW Franson
Johann Strauss, Father and Son
  A Century of Light Music
H. E. Jacob RW Franson
  [bibliography of above] JB Berlin
John W. Campbell Anthology, A
  Three Novels [Arcot-Morey-Wade series]
  The Black Star Passes
  Islands of Space
  Invaders from the Infinite
John W. Campbell R Grube
Joyleg Avram Davidson
  & Ward Moore
RW Franson
Junkyard Planet
  (The Cosmic Computer)
  (Graveyard of Dreams)
H. Beam Piper RW Franson
Just City, The Jo Walton WH Stoddard

  A Tale of Arabia
F. Marion Crawford RW Franson

Labors of Hercules, The Agatha Christie RW Franson
Lady of Quality, A Frances Hodgson Burnett JM Franson
Lalage's Lovers George A. Birmingham RW Franson
Last Seen Wearing Colin Dexter RW Franson
Learning Curve
  Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century
  Volume 1, 1907-1948
William H. Patterson, Jr. RW Franson
Learning Curve
  Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century
  Volume 1, 1907-1948
William H. Patterson, Jr. WH Stoddard
  (A Tale of Two Clocks)
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Leo Strauss and Nietzsche Laurence Lampert RW Franson
Let Your Mind Alone James Thurber RW Franson
Liberty for Women
  Freedom and Feminism
  in the Twenty-first Century
Wendy McElroy RW Franson
Lincoln and the Tools of War Robert V. Bruce RW Franson
Lincoln at Cooper Union
  The Speech That Made
  Abraham Lincoln President
Harold Holzer RW Franson
Lincoln Hunters, The Wilson Tucker RW Franson
Lion Game, The  [collection] James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Little Fuzzy H. Beam Piper DH Franson
Little Women Louisa May Alcott C Kalescky
Log of a Cowboy, The Andy Adams RW Franson
Logic Named Joe, A  [collection] Murray Leinster RW Franson
Logical Leap, The
  Induction in Physics
David Harriman WH Stoddard
Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen H. Beam Piper RW Franson
Lost Prince, The Frances Hodgson Burnett JM Franson
Lucifer's Hammer Larry Niven
  & Jerry Pournelle
R Grube

Book reviews by Title, M-R  =>

[Before the palace, London.]

Queen Elizabeth (to Richard III):
Under what title shall I woo for thee,
That God, the law, my honour, and her love
Can make seem pleasing to her tender years?
William Shakespeare
Richard III,

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