Many Volumes of Good Wishes, Many Happy Returns Book or Series Reviews at Troynovant;
listed by Title, S-Z

Science fiction on television —
with first-class writing:
   Firefly dvd series

[ alphabetical by book title; book author; reviewer ]

<=  Book reviews by Title, M-R

Sabriel Garth Nix WH Stoddard
Sackett Louis L'Amour RW Franson
Santaroga Barrier, The Frank Herbert RW Franson
Sarah From Alaska
  The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education
  of a New Conservative Superstar
Scott Conroy
  & Shushannah Walshe
CB Kurtz
Sargasso of Space Andre Norton RW Franson
Science Fiction Ideas & Dreams
  The Illustrated Book of
David Kyle RW Franson
Secret of the League, The Ernest Bramah RW Franson
Secrets of the Great Pyramid Peter Tompkins RW Franson
1764: The Hurlyburly of Daily Life
  Exemplified in One Year of the 18th Century
Jack Lindsay RW Franson
Shadow Gate, The Margaret Ball RW Franson
Shadow of the Ship, The
  [ ==> Overflight at Troynovant ]
Robert Wilfred Franson   
Shattered Sword
  The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway
Jonathan B. Parshall
  & Anthony P. Tully
RW Franson
Shells and Shooting Willy Ley RW Franson
Sherlock Holmes, The Annotated A. Conan Doyle RW Franson
Sherlock Holmes, The Complete A. Conan Doyle RW Franson
Siege of Vienna, The
John Stoye RW Franson
Silent Speaker, The Rex Stout RW Franson
Singer Enigma, The Ann Maxwell RW Franson
Sinister Barrier Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
Six Thousand Years of Bread
  Its Holy and Unholy History
H. E. Jacob JL Iannolo
1632 Eric Flint RW Franson
Sixth Column Robert A. Heinlein R Grube
Skeptical Environmentalist, The
  Measuring the Real State of the World
Bjorn Lomborg WH Stoddard
Slan A. E. van Vogt RW Franson
Snow Dog Jim Kjelgaard DH Franson
Solar Lottery Philip K. Dick RW Franson
Some Buried Caesar Rex Stout RW Franson
Songs of Love and Grief
  (translated by Walter Arndt)
Heinrich Heine RW Franson
Space Cadet Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Spanish Gold George A. Birmingham RW Franson
Sphinx Daybreak
  [ ==> Overflight at Troynovant ]
Robert Wilfred Franson   
Stand, The
  [complete & uncut edition]
Stephen King R Grube
Star Beast, The Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Station X G. McLeod Winsor WH Stoddard
Stealing Elections
  How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy
John Fund RW Franson
Story of the Malakand Field Force, The
  An Episode of Frontier War
Winston S. Churchill RW Franson
Sue Barton, Nurse series Helen Dore Boylston WH Stoddard
Sweet Science, The
  Boxing and Boxiana — A Ringside View
A. J. Liebling RW Franson
Swords and Swordsmen Mike Loades S Farrell
Symphony in the Brain, A
  The Evolution of the New Brain Wave Biofeedback
Jim Robbins SE Jordan

Tale of Two Clocks, A James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Talents, Incorporated Murray Leinster RW Franson
Telzey Amberdon series James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Telzey Amberdon [collection] James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Temeraire series Naomi Novik WH Stoddard
Theory of Elementary Waves, The
  A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics
Lewis E. Little DM Sandin
Three to Conquer
  (Call Him Dead)
Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
Throne of Jade Naomi Novik WH Stoddard
Timescape Gregory Benford DL Franson
Titans' Daughter James Blish RW Franson
To Die in Italbar Roger Zelazny RW Franson
To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis RW Franson
Tolkien and the Great War
  The Threshold of Middle Earth
John Garth WH Stoddard
Tom Swift series Victor Appleton R Grube
Too Many Cooks Rex Stout RW Franson,
JM Franson
Too Many Women
Rex Stout RW Franson
Transparent Society, The
  Will Technology Force Us to Choose
  Between Privacy and Freedom?
David Brin RW Franson
Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter
  The Essential Hal Clement - Volume 1
Hal Clement RW Franson
Tuvela, The
  (The Demon Breed)
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne WH Stoddard

Ukraine, The
  A History
W.E.D. Allen RW Franson
Under Heaven Guy Gavriel Kay RW Enstrom
Universe Against Her, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson

Variable Star Robert A. Heinlein
  & Spider Robinson
WH Stoddard
Venus Plus X Theodore Sturgeon RW Franson
Village School Miss Reed
  (Dora Saint)
JM Franson
Virtuoso, The Thomas Shadwell RW Franson
Voyage from Yesteryear James P. Hogan R Grube

Wailing Asteroid, The Murray Leinster RW Franson
Waldo & Magic, Inc.  [collection] Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
War Against the Weak
  Eugenics and America's Campaign
  to Create a Master Race
Edwin Black SE Jordan
War Before Civilization
The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
Lawrence H. Keeley RW Franson
Wasp Eric Frank Russell RW Franson
We Are Not Amused, Sir Guillaume Scott Farrell RW Franson
We Still Hold These Truths
  Rediscovering Our Principles,
  Reclaiming Our Future
Matthew Spalding SE Jordan
Weapon Makers, The A. E. van Vogt RW Franson
Weapon Shops of Isher, The A. E. van Vogt RW Franson
Weight of the Evidence, The Michael Innes RW Franson
Wench Is Dead, The Colin Dexter RW Franson
What Art Is
  The Esthetic Theory of Ayn Rand
Louis Torres
   & Michelle Marder Kamhi
WH Stoddard
Where the Red Fern Grows Wilson Rawls RW Franson
Why Men Earn More
  The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap
  and What Women Can Do About It
Warren Farrell W McElroy
Will in the World
  How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare
Stephen Greenblatt RW Franson
Witches of Karres, The James H. Schmitz RW Franson
World of Null-A, The A. E. van Vogt RW Franson
Wreck of The River of Stars, The Michael Flynn WH Stoddard
Writings George Washington RW Franson
Writings and Drawings James Thurber RW Franson
W.S.C. - A Cartoon Biography Fred Urquhart RW Franson

Years of Rice and Salt, The Kim Stanley Robinson WH Stoddard
Years with Ross, The James Thurber RW Franson
You Can't Say That
  The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties
  from Antidiscrimination Laws
David E. Bernstein RW Franson

For an alternate sequence, see
Book reviews by Author

[Windsor Castle.]

Bolingbroke (to Richard II):
Many years of happy days befall
My gracious sovereign, my most loving liege!

Mowbray (to Richard II):

Each day still better others' happiness,
Until the heavens, envying earth's good hap,
Add an immortal title to your crown!
William Shakespeare
Richard II, 1.1.20-24

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