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Reviews at Troynovant
listed by Author

The marginal economics of science fiction publishing, colliding with the long-term creativity required to develop a consistent otherworld, weghted down science fiction from its beginnings. Even before the earliest true SF magazine began in 1926, authors like Edgar Rice Burroughs went in for episodic development across the months and years of magazine issues. They had a clear precedent in the Sherlock Holmes stories. The value of the series approach — for authors, editors, publishers, and readers — carried easily into books when book publication became common for science fiction and fantasy (labeled as such) beginning in the late 1940s.

Some sequences are covered as a whole at Troynovant, others piecemeal. A key component may feature in the history of science fiction. Some series integrate smoothly, essentially as multi-part novels or story arcs that really should be read in order even when not written in order; others are looser or more independent. The best of these series are colossal syntheses of imagination.

We apply no arbitrary length threshold; generally these stories are too short to have appeared as separate books. We try to note a story's original publication (often in a magazine) and its inclusion in single-author collections, but generally not inclusion in anthologies. Some links below are to story discussions within reviews of collections or anthologies.


[ alphabetical by story author; story title; reviewer ]

Anvil, Christopher Revolt RW Franson
Torch RW Franson
Asimov, Isaac Mule, The RW Franson

Blish, James At Death's End RW Franson
  (Titans' Daughter)
RW Franson
  (The Quincunx of Time)
RW Franson
Borges, Jorge Luis Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote RW Franson
Brown, Rosel George Lost in Translation RW Franson

Campbell, John W.

Moon Is Hell, The

R Grube
Churchill, Winston S. [ ==> Winston S. Churchill at Troynovant ]

de Camp, L. Sprague Gnarly Man, The RW Franson
Doyle, A. Conan Dancing Men, The Adventure of the RW Franson
Dunsany, Lord Three Sailors' Gambit, The RW Franson

Franson, Donald L. Time for Delusion, The RW Franson

Garrett, Randall Dead Giveaway RW Franson
Gibbs, Wolcott Topless in Ilium RW Franson

Hale, Edward Everett Brick Moon, The RW Franson
Harness, Charles L. Chessplayers, The RW Franson
Heinlein, Robert A. [ ==> Robert A. Heinlein at Troynovant ]
Hubbard, L. Ron Unwilling Hero, The RW Franson

Jenkins, Will F.
  (Murray Leinster)
Logic Named Joe, A RW Franson
Purple Hieroglyph, The
  (Murder Will Out)
RW Franson

Keown, Eric Sir Tristram Goes West RW Franson
Kipling, Rudyard As Easy as A.B.C. WH Stoddard
Church That Was at Antioch, The WH Stoddard
Ship That Found Herself, The RW Franson
William the Conqueror WH Stoddard
Wireless RW Franson
Kollontai, Alexandra Soon (In 48 Years' Time) RW Franson

Laumer, Keith Brass God, The RW Franson
Forbidden City, The RW Franson
Wicker Wonderland RW Franson
Leiber, Fritz [ ==> Fritz Leiber at Troynovant ]
Leinster, Murray
  (Will F. Jenkins)
Dear Charles RW Franson
Doomsday Deferred RW Franson
Eternal Now, The RW Franson
Exploration Team RW Franson
First Contact RW Franson
Logic Named Joe, A RW Franson
Nobody Saw the Ship RW Franson
Power, The RW Franson
Things Pass By RW Franson
Ley, Willy Fog RW Franson
Lovecraft, H. P. Shadow Over Innsmouth, The RW Franson

MacDonald, John D. Trojan Horse Laugh RW Franson
Melville, Herman Lightning-Rod Man, The RW Franson
Miller, Walter M., Jr. Darfsteller, The RW Franson
Mintz, Catherine Summer-Witch RW Franson
Moore, Catherine L. Fruit of Knowledge RW Franson

Paul, Barbara All the Dogs of Europe RW Franson
Piper, H. Beam Graveyard of Dreams
  (Junkyard Planet)
  (The Cosmic Computer)
RW Franson
He Walked Around the Horses RW Franson
Last Enemy RW Franson
Oomphel in the Sky RW Franson
Time and Time Again RW Franson
Plato Ring of Gyges, The NG Britton

Russell, Eric Frank Allamagoosa JM Franson
Hobbyist RW Franson
Homo Saps RW Franson
Legwork RW Franson
Mechanical Mice RW Franson
Now Inhale
  [the Towers of Hanoi game story]
RW Franson

Saki Peace Offering, The RW Franson
Schmitz, James H. Agent of Vega RW Franson
Custodians, The RW Franson
End of the Line, The WH Stoddard
Illusionists, The  (Space Fear) RW Franson
Searcher, The RW Franson
Second Night of Summer, The RW Franson
Truth about Cushgar, The RW Franson
Watch the Sky RW Franson
Witches of Karres, The RW Franson
Sheckley, Robert Minimum Man, The RW Franson
Smith, Cordwainer Game of Rat and Dragon, The RW Franson
No, No, Not Rogov! RW Franson
Stout, Rex Before I Die RW Franson
Black Orchids JM Franson
Cordially Invited to Meet Death JM Franson
Gun with Wings, The RW Franson
Sturgeon, Theodore God in a Garden, A RW Franson
Never Underestimate RW Franson
Poker Face RW Franson
What Dead Men Tell RW Franson
Yesterday Was Monday RW Franson

Tevis, Walter S. Big Bounce, The RW Franson
Thurber, James Macbeth Murder Mystery, The RW Franson
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The RW Franson
You Could Look It Up RW Franson
Twain, Mark [ ==> Mark Twain at Troynovant ]

Vance, Jack Dodkin's Job RW Franson

Weinbaum, Stanley G. Martian Odyssey, A RW Franson
Redemption Cairn RW Franson
Wells, H. G. Argonauts of the Air, The RW Franson
Land Ironclads, The RW Franson
Wilde, Oscar Remarkable Rocket, The RW Franson
Willis, Connie Ado RW Franson
Inn RW Franson
Last of the Winnebagos, The RW Franson
Miracle RW Franson
Newsletter RW Franson
Sidon in the Mirror, The RW Franson

Zelazny, Roger Doors of His Face,
  the Lamps of His Mouth, The
RW Franson
Walpurgisnacht RW Franson

[Athens. Theseus' palace.]

Hippolyta (to Theseus):
But all the story of the night told over,
And all their minds transfigured so together,
More witnesseth than fancy's images,
And grows to something of great constancy;
But howsoever, strange and admirable.
William Shakespeare
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 5.1.23-27

We are more interested in excellent or distinctive work than the merely timely or fashionable. Quality is always in season, and often more topical and entertaining than currency or fashion admit. Thus, we aim to refer and amuse, rather than to announce and forget. We avoid spoiling surprises in reviews that recommend; other works take their chances.


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