The Mule - Astounding, Nov 1945, William Timmins for Isaac Asimov General Contents at Troynovant

We propose and advance a cultural stratigraphy, exploring and delineating layers and textures of the human mind which we visualize as Troynovant: the city of nobly recurring knowledge.

As Thoreau says rightly, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." If our own subjects and perspectives often seem off the beaten path, it is through no desire to be different for difference's sake, but because these wayward Trains of Thought roll to the rhythm of a different bassoon.

New Troy rejoices in the innocence of becoming, as the philosophers say: not a static "eternal city", rather a Renewing Troy. The medieval proverb says that Stadtluft macht frei, or city air makes one free — a citizen freed from serfdom; but we suggest more simply, Luft macht frei: determinedly breathing free air maintains our continuing city of recurrent inspiration.

Whom the gods would enlighten they first teach to read.

Robert Wilfred Franson, editor


Informative & Entertaining:
(reflective prisms)

Essays by Title, A-B
Essays by Title, C-F
Essays by Title, G-L
Essays by Title, M-R
Essays by Title, S-Z

Memoirs: Personal History, personally told
Postcards: flat-carded Scenes of Passage
Presentations: pictorial ads, etc.,
      the light of other days
Satires: a point or a quiver-full


Other approaches to our material:
(wander as inspiration moves you)

Personae: emanant Olympians
Strata: the topical Troad
Topography: spheres & cultures
      of the extended Troad

Recent updates: all recent updates
New items only: only new additions

In the Maze: we may encounter
a Minotaur or Penelope's loom

Contributors: friends, allies, alleged volunteers


(mostly individual works)

Books by Author, A-B
Books by Author, C-F
Books by Author, G-L
Books by Author, M-R
Books by Author, S-Z

Books by Title, A-B
Books by Title, C-F
Books by Title, G-L
Books by Title, M-R
Books by Title, S-Z

Films by Title
Reels by Title
Soundies by Title

Pamphlets by Title

Stories by Author
Stories by Title

Two books


DHF, RWF at Potrero War

  David H. Franson,
      Robert W. Franson
  reviewers at work:
      research  (2001)

Troynovant site — opened August 2001.

Against the shortsighted. — Do you think this work must be fragmentary because I give it to you (and have to give it to you) in fragments?

Friedrich Nietzsche
Assorted Opinions and Maxims, #128
A few insiteful points

Titles published as quotations, for instance proverbial phrases, generally are given here without quotation marks. Small-capitals may be rendered lower-case. Accents, umlauts, and other diacritical satellites are deprecated here in the interest of reliable page rendering across the Web. Some items reprinted here have had minor reformatting, and interlinking added. Shakespeare scene and line numbering as in The Norton Shakespeare.

Most illustrations are scanned, cleaned, and optimized by Franson Publications; a few scans are from publishers or elsewhere. Photo of reviewers above courtesy of Sir Ryan Greenoak (Ray Ford). Renewing Troy (home page) painting is "Expectations" (1885) by Lawrence Alma-Tadema.

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Overflight at Troynovant

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[Elsinore Castle, Denmark. A stateroom in the castle.]


He that plays the King shall be welcome;
his majesty shall have tribute of me.
The adventurous Knight shall use his foil and target,
the Lover shall not sigh gratis,
the Humorous Man shall end his part in peace,
the Clown shall make those laugh whose lungs are tickle o'th' sere,
and the Lady shall say her mind freely,
or the blank verse shall halt for't. What players are they?

William Shakespeare
Hamlet, 2.2.308-314

U.S. Air Force locomotive (RWF)


Some trains could as well arrive
on one track as another;
or — since this is Troynovant —
likely on several tracks simultaneously.


photo, above:
(of a wayward Train of Thought)
U.S. Air Force locomotive
in the American Southwest.
by RWF

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