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General Contents
In the Maze: we may encounter a Minotaur or Penelope's loom
New items: only recent additions

Read in 200+ countries

Mark of Zorro, The
  [updated link]
Johnston McCulley WH Stoddard
Six Thousand Years of Bread
  Its Holy and Unholy History
  [updated links]
H. E. Jacob JL Iannolo
Augustus Mandrell series
  (the Commissions)
  1. Of All the Bloody Cheek
  2. Rather a Vicious Gentleman
  3. For Murder I Charge More
  [added text]
Frank McAuliffe RW Franson
Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech
  [updated link]
Gordonaires RW Franson
Act Naturally
  [updated links]
Beatles, Ringo Starr RW Franson

Reckless Love
  [added footnote]
Elizabeth Lowell
  (Ann Maxwell)
RW Franson
Speaking through Texts
  manifest culture; & action this day [compilation]
  [updated link]
RW Franson
  [added text]
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Germany at Troynovant
  Imperial Germany, Third Reich
  Prussia, Bavaria, Austria
  history, geography, literature
  [added illustration]
American Civil War at Troynovant
  1860-1865; freedom & slavery,
  campaigns and battles
  [added illustration]

Overflight at Troynovant
  [improved illustration]
Searcher, The
  [improved illustration]
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Water Is for Washing
  [added historical note, links]
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Let There Be Light
  [minor editing; updated link]
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Magic in the Moonlight
  [minor editing]
Woody Allen / Colin Firth, Emma Stone RW Franson

Heinlein's Missed Bestsellers
  [improved illustration]
Robert A.Heinlein RW Franson
Ruritania's Successors
  Fictional Kingdoms in Modern Romance
  [added entry, text, illustration]
RW Franson
Reveille for Radicals
  [added text]
Saul D. Alinsky RW Franson
Witches of Karres, The
  [minor editing]
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Jupiter Takes a Hit for the System
  Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts
  16-22 July 1994
  [updated links]
RW Franson

Future History series
  [minor editing]
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Door into Summer, The
  [minor editing;
   added illustration;
   updated link]
Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Time at Troynovant
  temporal philosophy and travel
  [added links]
What Dead Men Tell
  [updated link]
Theodore Sturgeon RW Franson
William H. Stoddard
  Troynovant contributor
  [added link]

Big Chill, The
  [added illustration]
Lawrence Kasdan / William Hurt, Kevin Kline RW Franson
  [explained criteria]
Illusionists, The  (Space Fear)
  [minor editing; added notes]
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Necessary Evil, A
  A History of American Distrust
  of Government
Garry Wills W McElroy
Holiday at Troynovant
  high days of celebration
  [added link]

Apollonian Art, The WH Stoddard
Vera Howe Franson at Troynovant
  [added photo, text]
Wilfred R. Franson at Troynovant
  [added text]
Poetry at Troynovant
  poetry, poets, & poetic inspiration
  [added Verse Forms footnote]
War Before Civilization
  The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
  [updated link]
Lawrence H. Keeley RW Franson

Here Comes Cookie Norman Z. McLeod / George Burns, Gracie Allen RW Franson
Brick Moon, The
  [added footnote]
Edward Everett Hale RW Franson
Heinlein's Missed Bestsellers
  [updated link]
RW Franson
Finding Serenity
  Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds
  and Space Hookers
  in Joss Whedon's Firefly
  [updated links]
Jane Espenson RW Franson
Is Atlas Shrugging?
  Boston: 19 April 1964
  [updated link]
Ayn Rand RW Franson

Gravity at Troynovant
  gravitation & contragravity —
  applied, shaped, & redirected
  [added photo, links]
Remembrance at Troynovant
  memory, remembering, & fame
  [added illustration & link]
Mix Pictures of the Mind
  the light of evening
  [added illustration]
RW Franson
Gaming at Troynovant
  games, sports, strategy, tactics
  [improved captions]
  emanant Olympians
  of space, time, and imagination
  [improved captions;
   redirected relevant entries from
   Books-by-Author & Stories-by-Author
   to appropriate Personae indexes]

Mentality at Troynovant
  the mind and mental operation
  [added illustration]
Hitler's Shattered Dream, 1932
  [clarified details; added links]
RW Franson
Pilots' Proverbs
  Parental Wisdom Brought Down to Earth
  [added text]
RW Franson
General, The
  [updated links]
Buster Keaton RW Franson
Cell-Phone Spyware
  The View from 1969
  [clarified text]
RW Franson

Third Man, The
  [added text; updated link]
Reed / Greene / Cotten, Welles, Valli RW Franson
  [added text]
Edward Dmytryk / Robert Mitchum RW Franson
Shadow Gate, The
  [updated link]
Margaret Ball RW Franson
Berlese Pyramid, The
  Oppression Points Downward
  [added links]
RW Franson
Alcohol Plant
  Springfield, Oregon 1947
  [clarified description]
WR Franson

Fuel at Troynovant
wood, coal, & oil;
wind & water; nuclear & solar
  [added links]
Soon (In 48 Years' Time)
  [added links]
Alexandra Kollontai RW Franson
Homer's Contest
  [updated link]
Friedrich Nietzsche RW Franson
Romance at Troynovant
  dating, romantic love, marriage
  [added illustration]
Donald L. Franson at Troynovant
  [new contributor index; photo]

Talents, Incorporated Murray Leinster RW Franson
Old Cars in the Movies
  Prop Cars, Comedy Trick Cars,
  Gangster Cars
WR Franson
Flag Day Parades
  Hudson, New York
  [updated links]
A Ross
Tom Swift series
  [updated link]
Victor Appleton R Grube
Ron Grube at Troynovant
  [new contributor index; photo]

Philosophy at Troynovant
  nature of existence; history of ideas
  [added quotation;
   added links for
   Raphael's 'The School of Athens']
Friedrich Nietzsche at Troynovant
  [added & updated links]
Bad Ideas Made Powerful
  by Unidentified True Ones

  [updated links]
   I Glassman
He Walked Around the Horses H. Beam Piper RW Franson
Science at Troynovant
  history, prospects, scientific method
  [new index]

Livelong at Troynovant
  longevity & immortality
  [added quotation]
ArtWords at Troynovant
  illustrated words, literate drawings;
  cartoons, graphics, books about art
  [updated link]
Desert at Troynovant
  American Southwest & other deserts
  [added caption, link]
Cunard Steamship Company
  Aquitania, Mauretania, Lusitania
  advertisement, March 1915
  [updated link]

Russia at Troynovant
  Russia, Russian Empire,
  Soviet Union (USSR), successor states
  [added photo, quotation]
  happy interregnum betwixt war & war:
  "peace in our time",
  Occupation & Reconstruction,
  Home Front, veterans
  [added engraving]
ComWeb at Troynovant
  mail & communications,
  codes & ciphers, computing,
  networks, robots, the Internet
  [added engraving]
Schooling at Troynovant
  school, college, ongoing learning
  [added illustration]

Music at Troynovant
  music, song, dance, & composers
  [added illustrations]
Theory of Elementary Waves, The
  A New Explanation of Fundamental Physics
  [updated link]
Lewis E. Little DM Sandin
ReFuture at Troynovant
  history of science fiction
  & progress of fantasy
  [updated links]

In the Maze
  just around the corner
  we may encounter a Minotaur
  or Penelope's loom
  [reconstituted index]

If We Only Had a Brain
  Neurofeedback for America
  [updated links]
SE Jordan

Princess for the Gentleman, A Mindy Burbidge Strunk RW Franson
Stealing Elections
  How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy
  [added text]
John Fund RW Franson
Wailing Asteroid, The
  [updated biblio]
Murray Leinster RW Franson
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  [updated link]
Monty Python S Farrell
Structural Aspects of Atlas Shrugged
  [updated links]
LH Hunt

Telzey Amberdon series
  [revised to coordinate with
  "Demigoddess of the Mind"]
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Demigoddess of the Mind
  James H. Schmitz's heroine
  Telzey Amberdon
  [consolidated intro & 3 story analyses
  into unified essay;
  reformatted & minor revisions]
RW Franson

Compilations by Title
  quotations stoking Trains of Thought
  [updated links]

Thus Spoke Howard Roark
  The Transformation of Nietzschean Ideas
  in The Fountainhead
  [updated links, biblio]
LH Hunt

Comedy at Troynovant
  elevations into levity & happiness
  via hijinks & laughter
  [new index]
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar
  [updated link]
Jed Whedon / Felicia Day; The Guild RW Franson
Imps in the Websites
  Blunders of Enthusiasm
  [added text]
RW Franson
  high-level guide
  [added text]
Big Public Is Watching You
  Transparency versus Security
  [updated link; minor improvements]
RW Franson

Big Chill, The Lawrence Kasdan / William Hurt, Kevin Kline RW Franson
It Started with Eve Henry Koster / Deanna Durbin, Laughton, Cummings RW Franson
Reviewing versus Bookselling
  or, Not Selling Books Here
  [minor editing]
RW Franson
Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe, The
  [updated link]
Sydney Anglo WH Stoddard
Milwaukee City Hall
  Postcard, 25 May 1945
  [added text]
VH Franson

  cold weather and winter environments,
  survival, exploration in high altitudes,
  polar regions, other planets
  [added photo]
  ships, trains, autos, aircraft, spacecraft
  [updated link]
Troynovant site
  [substantial backstage cleanup]

Donald L. Franson
  Condolences from Poland 2002
RP Jasinski
Freddy the Pig series
  [updated discussion, link]
RW Franson
Tale of Two Clocks, A
  [revised Publication Notes, links]
James H. Schmitz RW Franson
Postcards by Title
  flat-carded Scenes of Passage:
  in the older manner sent & reviewed in Private
  though carried by the Public post
  [added link]


Alexander (Cressida's servant):

The noise goes this: there is among the Greeks
A lord of Trojan blood, nephew to Hector;
They call him Ajax.


                        Good, and what of him? ...


This man, lady, hath robbed many beasts of their particular additions: he is as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear, slow as the elephant — a man into whom nature hath so crowded humours that his valour is crushed into folly, his folly farced with discretion. There is no man hath a virtue that he hath not a glimpse of, nor any man an attaint but he carries some stain of it. ...

William Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida, 1.2.12-23


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untimely Reviews
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Essays by Title:  A-B   C-F   G-L   M-R   S-Z
  Memoirs   Postcards   Satires

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