Jennifer M. Franson at Sunken Garden, Kensington, London, Oct 2012 Reviews, Essays, &; others
at Troynovant
listing of Contributor: Jennifer M. Franson

To keep these sequences handier, from the main Contributors A-Z index we've separated out the extended Franson family and some other stalwarts.   * denotes contributors' collaboration.

Where the entry is for a review, creator(s) of the reviewed work — writer, editor, director, lead actor — is named in the right-hand column. For alternate sequences, see Book reviews by Author, or Book reviews by Title, our Recent updates, or others listed in the General Contents; below is by Contributor and Title.

Franson, Jennifer Monroe
             Allamagoosa Eric Frank Russell
             Anglo-American Title Changes  *
  Interior Translation in English

             Backyard Wildlife Mysteries
             Black Orchids Rex Stout

             Compendium of Common Knowledge, A
  Elizabethan Commonplaces
  for Writers, Actors & Re-enactors
Maggie Secara
             Cordially Invited to Meet Death Rex Stout

             Dead and Buried?
  The Horrible History of Bodysnatching
Norman Adams
             Dear Santa Joseph Priestley / Amy Acker, David Haydn-Jones, Emma Duke

             First Love  * Henry Koster / Deanna Durbin
             Fourth-of-July Fireworks!
  Red rats and whistling chasers

             Hercule Poirot's Early Cases Agatha Christie
             Holiday for Murder, A
  (Hercule Poirot's Christmas)
  (Murder for Christmas)
Agatha Christie

             I'll Grind His Bones to Make My Bread
  An Unscientific Enquiry into a Failed Experiment
  in Quasi-Cannibalism

             Lady of Quality, A Frances Hodgson Burnett
             Lost Prince, The Frances Hodgson Burnett

             Motive in Shadow Lesley Egan
             Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol Charles Dickens / Abe Levitow / Jim Backus

             No Holly for Miss Quinn Miss Reed
  (Dora Saint)

             On the Trail of William Shakespeare J. Keith Cheetham
             One City
  [Edinburgh stories]
OneCity Trust

             Pleasures of Afternoon Tea, The Angela Hynes
             Poirot's Early Cases Agatha Christie
             Pre-Christian Elements in the Celebration
  of All Saints' Day and the Feast of All Faithful Departed

             Shakespearean Sonnet, The
  Its Verse Form Illustrated by Sonnet LXIV:
  When I have seen by Time's fell hand defac'd
             Sign of Four, The (Sherlock Holmes - film) Cutts / Wontner
             Study in Scarlet, A [Sherlock Holmes - film]  * Marin / Owen

             Too Many Cooks  * Rex Stout

             Village School Miss Reed
  (Dora Saint)

             Zenith and Decline
  The Hanseatic League and the Teutonic Order
  in the Late 14th and Early 15th Centuries
             * denotes contributors' collaboration

[The Forest of Arden.]


But will my Rosalind do so?

Rosalind [incognito]:

By my life, she will do as I do.


O, but she is wise.


Or else she could not have the wit to do this. The wiser, the waywarder. Make the doors shut upon a woman's wit, and it will out at the casement. Shut that, and 'twill out at the key-hole. Stop that, 'twill fly with the smoke out at the chimney.


A man that had a wife with such a wit, he might say 'Wit, whither wilt?'
William Shakespeare
As You Like It, 4.1.134-143

Jennifer M. Franson's site for
Medieval and Renaissance Verse Forms:
rhyme schemes, notes, and examples

Jennifer Franson at Sunken Garden,
Kensington Gardens, London.
photo by RWF


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