Wilfred R. Franson, McKenzie Pass, east of Eugene, Oregon 1940 Reviews, Essays, & others
at Troynovant
listing of Contributor: Wilfred R. Franson

To keep these sequences handier, from the main Contributors A-Z index we've separated out the extended Franson family and some other stalwarts.  * denotes contributors' collaboration.

Where the entry is for a review, the creator of the reviewed work — writer, editor, director, lead actor — is named in the right-hand column. For alternate sequences, see Book reviews by Author, or Book reviews by Title, our Recent updates, or others listed in the General Contents; below is by Contributor and Title.

Many of these automobile-related articles and memoirs by W. R. Franson previously appeared in his Franson's Motor News, or as renamed, Car History Magazine; or as "Car Stories" (a syndicated newspaper column).

He was a member of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America and the Society of Automotive Historians.

Franson, Wilfred R.   (W. R. Franson; Bill Franson)
             Aerial Cableway, Niagara Falls  *
  Postcard, 18 July 1936
             Alcohol Plant
  Springfield, Oregon 1947

             Capitol Oil Wells, Oklahoma City
  Postcard, 14 May 1946
             Chevrolet Vega

             Day-Nite Garage, The
  Eugene, Oregon 1939-1941
             Duesenberg Automobiles

             Eugene Post Office, The
  Eugene, Oregon 1949-1956

             Gas-Electric Cars Go Way Back
  Some History and Prospects
             Geared Way, Way Down
  A Parable of Efficiency

             How Many Wheels?
  Early Three-Cornered Cars
             Hupmobile Automobiles

             I Was Ejected from a Spaceship
  Atlas 10-B Orbits the Earth
  San Diego 1958

             Jefferson Ice Company, The
  Chicago 1927-1929, 1933-1936

             Lightning Strikes the Lighthouse
  Escanaba, Michigan 1906
             Luck versus Auto Accidents
  With Some Scrapes and Escapes

             Model T Ford
             My First Car
  1927 Chevrolet Coupe

             Old Cars in the Movies
  Prop Cars, Comedy Trick Cars,
  Gangster Cars
             Old Route 66
  1932, 1934, 1946

             Pierce-Arrow Automobiles

             Rickenbacker Automobiles

             Sandy River Service Station
  Troutdale, Oregon 1938-1939
             Stearns-Knight Automobiles

             U.S. Highway 101, San Diego Coast
  Postcard, 16 July 1938

             * denotes contributors' collaboration

[Near Harlech Castle, on the coast of Gwynedd, Wales.]

King Richard II:

For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground,
And tell sad stories of the death of kings —
How some have been deposed, some slain in war,
Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed ...
William Shakespeare
Richard II, 3.2.142-143 & 151-154

Wilfred R. Franson
McKenzie Pass
east of Eugene, Oregon

The first two lines I quote from Richard II are among my father's favorites in all Shakespeare. A lifelong automobile fan and historian, he applied them lovingly to the classic automobile marques: Packard, Pierce-Arrow, and so on; he spent many years recalling, researching, & writing car histories. Of all the cars he owned in his lifetime, his favorite was his everyday car in 1930s Chicago, his 1932 Ford V8 convertible.

My wonderful father introduced me to science fiction; and to authors who have remained lifelong literary beacons, including Mark Twain and Henry David Thoreau; Winston S. Churchill; James Thurber and the early New Yorker crew; H. L. Mencken and the texture of our common language. He taught me respect for the men and women who do the day's work, from sorting the mail to ensuring America's rockets are properly maintained; and for all who defend our country.

He seemed always to have time for me. We spent many hours together on backyard projects: among my favorites were building fish ponds. He introduced me to the forests of the American Northwest, to Western cities and the seacoast, to the deserts of the American Southwest. The best man I've ever known. — RWF


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