The Weapon Shop series |
Review by |
The Weapon Shops of Isher The Weapon Makers both novels collected in — |
The Empire of Isher | December 2001 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Warning: more than a few plot surprises are discussed below, The world of the Weapon Shops A. E. van Vogt's two Weapon Shop science-fiction novels, The Weapon Shops of Isher and The Weapon Makers, give us multiple flashes of van Vogt's creativity at its best, but these flashes gleam fitfully through wisps of undeveloped background, shallow characters, and frequent really painful failures of style. Nevertheless, these classic stories from Astounding's Golden Age, are still being read — and we still may find them fascinating.
Let's start with the style and work up. In the above quotation from early in The Weapon Makers, the peaceful glade, all leafy and flowery, has its ambience trampled underfoot by the writer as by an uncaring giant: generic vegetation that makes a label for a place, not a place. This is not a scene, this is a note for a scene that didn't get written. It is symptomatic of these books that the physical environment is as bare as a minimalist stage-play. More about giant tramplings later — in the flesh.
It's not as though the Weapon Shop organization is new; it's thousands of years old, and suffuses the Isher Empire. The even older Isher Empire dominates Earth and the Solar System and has for over 4700 years; the current hereditary Empress is the young woman, Innelda. She is an active, personal administrator and autocrat: more like a Tudor than a Windsor. The third and central viewpoint character is Robert Hedrock, Earth's only immortal man (by means of a not-yet-repeatable scientific accident). Hedrock founded the Weapon Shops long before to create an enduring opposition to the Isher Empire, lest imperial stability turn into oppression without recourse. Hedrock and Empress Innelda do a little better than Neelan and the secondary characters in The Weapon Makers at absorbing the slings and arrows of conversation and daily activities. But these constant startlements and realizations suffuse both novels; even as a teenage reader I found this uncomfortable and annoying. A. E. van Vogt assembled several of his novels from shorter magazine stories, revising or rewriting for later publication. The curse of surprise is present to some degree in most of van Vogt's science fiction, but in the Weapon Shop novels, even after revisions, these announced surprises continually punish the reader. That this is not a reader's plentiful sense of wonder at van Vogt's extraordinary events and ideas. It is the awkward reaction of characters who do not live in their own world, rather have been dropped into it by the author. The startled characters seem to reflect the author's own ongoing surprise at his story elements. Initial publication and revision history of the two novels suggest this authorial surprise; they have an unusually complex history, even for van Vogt, so I give the early details at the head of this review. The Weapon Shops of Isher components appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in 1941 and 1942, and in Thrilling Wonder Stories in 1949; and were rewritten into a novel for book publication in 1951. The Weapon Makers was conceived as a novel, serialized in Astounding in 1943 and revised for book publication in 1947. (L. Ron Hubbard 's initial article "Dianetics" appeared in Astounding in May 1950; van Vogt's involvement with Dianetics was probably the most absorbing and fateful for any science-fiction writer other than Hubbard himself.) I'm not sure it matters which Weapon Shop novel you read first; they are not quite a single novel in two volumes. The events overlap to a degree — and in the case of events in the time-travel subplot from "The Seesaw", to an infinite degree. These novels have rewards (and frustrations) not readily found elsewhere. They have the compelling headlong rush of a vivid cinematic dreaming, tonight's dream assembled jerkily from memorable earlier dream filmstrips. The projector's whirring sprockets tug the film along inevitably, flick-flickering from scene to scene, a great dramatic pull that will not bear stopping and thinking. This dream-rush is the power and the glory, as well as the weakness and confusion, of van Vogt's classic science-fiction novels; never more so than in these two. The Isher Empire and the Weapon Shops organization between them rule the world and the Solar System, and are curiously intertwined, and in the person of immortal Robert Hedrock even interpenetrating. Despite the vaunted Imperial stability, van Vogt portrays the Isher world as full of ignorance and corruption; a little plot byplay depends on the fact that Imperial officers must buy their commissions or otherwise bribe their way upwards. The Weapon Shops are run by a secret council, a shadow government essentially hidden from the population at large. Aside from the talk of freedom, and of course the Weapon Shops' reason for existence, there really is little that is structurally free or libertarian in this rivalry of giant systems. Nor, for that matter, do we have much sense of conservative tradition, nor liberal empathy for the downtrodden, nor radical impulse to make major improvements. We do have armed ignoramuses from the lowest peasants, soldiers, and crooks, to the very highest level of Empress Innelda, Robert Hedrock, and the Weapon Shops Council. The Isher Empire / Weapon Shops world is not one you want to live in, or even get caught in, guns or no guns. This is perhaps accidentally symbolized by the fate of one innocent present-day fellow (originally in the story "The Seesaw") who does pass through the grinding mill-wheels of Isher and Weapon Shops, and is rewarded with a quite horrific off-stage fate in The Weapon Shops of Isher.
— But without time for development I say secret above because these tremendous advances in science and technology often seem to be awarded by caprice of the author, rather than developed within the Isher / Weapon Shops world. With so much material, van Vogt's Weapon Shop novels read somewhat like stage-plays, the rapid adventures almost submerged in a Dostoevsky environment of psychological encounter, awkward conversation, and agonizing self-reflection.
We won't get into the star-travelling alien spiders, except to mention that they function as omniscient commentators and last-minute omnipotent plot-fixers, really as the Weapon Shops' spider-gods ex machina. but characters should live in their world A. E van Vogt has more sympathetic characters elsewhere, as in Slan; does a much more thoughtful job of suggesting a futuristic psychology in The Voyage of the Space Beagle; and neatly portrays subtle out-of-phase menace (no giants) and instantaneous transportation in The World of Null-A and The Players of Null-A. And guns? Well, for reliant, armed, thoughtfully libertarian cultures, Robert A. Heinlein's characters in Beyond This Horizon and Red Planet actually live and function in their societies, aware of the requirements of freedom. Could the Weapon Shop novels have been written differently? Given van Vogt's unique approach and style, maybe not. It would take more than van Vogt's brilliant creativity, it would demand the strength of a creative Hercules to integrate all their included elements; the master of imagination to be also a master of construction. The effective demigod Robert Hedrock gives it the old immortal try, and the wildly straying dream-plot ends do wrap up, more or less. But the real weakness is that van Vogt's characters here fall so far short of their own time and place. In both The Weapon Shops of Isher and The Weapon Makers we have important characters who are staggeringly innocent and uneducated concerning their own milieu, both wholesale and detail. And of course, educated or not, they all are surprised almost every time they see a man, a building, a thought, or a memory. These are not good references for the nearly five thousand years of Isher civilization, tempered by the Weapon Shops. If millennial Imperial stability plus resolute armed individual freedom can do no better than this, they all should have tried something else, at least four thousand years earlier. The Weapon Shop novels are a flawed cornucopia, yet in their own way sparkling, quick-paced, and fascinating; and despite my complaints have brought me back for multiple readings. These novels may surprise you; sometimes they still surprise me.
© 2001 Robert Wilfred Franson |
Livelong at Troynovant Mentality at Troynovant Time at Troynovant |
Utopia at Troynovant weapons, martial arts; gun rights, freedom of self-defense |