Constitution at Troynovant:
structures of American founding documents:
Declaration of Independence
& United States Constitution;
debates on constitutionality;
listed by Title
See Law at Troynovant for legal institutions and matters less specifically related to American constitutional structure.
As the Declaration of Independence is America's definitional document, so the United States Constitution provides the structural framework for its core political institutions.
You, I, each one of us, is a minority of one. The Constitution, by limiting the trespass of institutions upon individuals, defends our natural right as rational, social individuals to live in harmonious society.
I want you to protect the Constitution. Learn, and stand up.
Robert Wilfred Franson
American Civil War at Troynovant
1860-1865; freedom & slavery,
campaigns & battles |
Banners for Constitutionalists
from The Sly Tyrant's Handbook |
RW Franson |
Basic Concepts of Government
Rights, Federalism, and the Constitutional Republic |
Publius-Huldah |
Busing —Not Integration— Opposed
Invoke Our Color-Blind Constitution to End It
[Summary] |
E Enstrom, Jr. |
Conflict of Visions, A
Ideological Origins of Political Struggles |
Thomas Sowell |
SE Jordan |
Constitution of the United States |
WH Stoddard |
Declaration of Independence & Constitution |
DH Franson |
Five Thousand Year Leap, The
The 28 Great Ideas
That Changed the World |
W. Cleon Skousen |
SE Jordan |
How to Recreate a Constitution
From Amending Principles to Doing Without |
SE Jordan |
Liberate Public Schools
from Government by Lawsuit
[Summary] |
E Enstrom, Jr. |
Lincoln at Cooper Union
The Speech That Made
Abraham Lincoln President |
Harold Holzer |
RW Franson |
Machiavelli's Liberal Republican Legacy |
Paul A. Rahe (editor) |
RW Franson |
Men in Black
How the Supreme Court
Is Destroying America |
Mark R. Levin |
RW Franson |
My Grandfather's Son
A Memoir |
Clarence Thomas |
RW Franson |
Necessary Evil, A
A History of American Distrust
of Government |
Garry Wills |
W McElroy |
New Thought Police, The
Inside the Left's Assault on
Free Speech and Free Minds |
Tammy Bruce |
RW Franson |
Parental Handbook
For Parents Dedicated to Local Control
of Public Education of Children
According to the Constitution
[Summation] |
E Enstrom, Jr. |
Reagan, In His Own Hand |
Ronald Reagan |
RW Franson |
Stealing Elections
How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy |
John Fund |
RW Franson |
We Still Hold These Truths
Rediscovering Our Principles,
Reclaiming Our Future |
Matthew Spalding |
SE Jordan |
What Is America? |
WH Stoddard |
Writings |
George Washington |
RW Franson |
Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world
Could turn so much the constitution
Of any constant man.
William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice, 3.2.244-246
Governments that rest only on a single idea or on a single, easy-to-define sentiment are perhaps not the best, but they are surely the strongest and the most lasting.
When one examines the Constitution of the United States, the most perfect of all known federal constitutions, one is frightened, on the contrary, by the quantity of diverse knowledge and by the discernment that it supposes in those whom it must rule. The government of the Union rests almost wholly on legal fictions. The Union is an ideal nation that exists so to speak only in minds, and whose extent and bounds intelligence alone discovers.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America (1835-1840)
edited & translated by Mansfield & Winthrop
Constitution of the United States
creation & impact of the charters of freedom
at National Archives online
Enstrom Foundation
Liberate Public Schools from Government by Lawsuit:
the 17-year pro bono defense of
students' & parents' Constitutional rights
Utopia at Troynovant
utopia in power, or dystopia
The United States Constitution is less the inspired grantor of rightly understood American Exceptionalism, but its intellectual expression; and beleaguered but ongoing practical catalyst. We must learn the historical process by which we maintain every day as Constitution Day; or we shall learn the hard way. The Ship of State is not a perpetual-motion machine. Here's a fictional analogy. — RWF
Captain of salvage spaceship:
Right. Your mechanical trouble. Compression coil, you say?
Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of disabled Serenity:
It was the catalyzer.
Captain of salvage spaceship:
Not even the coil? Catalyzer's a nothing part, Captain.
Malcolm Reynolds:
It's nothing til you don't got one. Then it appears to be everything.
Out of Gas written by Tim Minear,
episode 8 of Firefly created by Joss Whedon
"Out of Gas" shooting script in
Firefly: The Official Companion, Volume Two