King of the Texas Rangers - English and Witney, Sammy Baugh, Duncan Renaldo Law at Troynovant:
edicts on law, legal institutions, juries;
lawmen & law enforcement;
listed by Title

See Constitution at Troynovant for history and issues relating to the American founding documents: the Declaration of Independence & U.S. Constitution.

See Detection at Troynovant for detective stories, or other items in which the law provides only background or support.

"Wow, that was close," Gloot breathed as silence descended again. "Those boys are the City Guard. They don't mess around."

"Permanent cadre?" Retief asked.

"Right. Eight on, eight off. Of course, most of 'em got off-duty jobs with the major mobs; but when shift time arrives they fall in for duty, even if the mob happens to be in the middle of a shoot-out with the guard at the time."

"That could be a trifle confusing."

"Yeah, but they got ground rules. When the whistle blows, there's a five-minute time-out while the cops and robbers change sides."

"A civilized system," Retief conceded.

Keith Laumer
Retief's Ransom  (1971)

Blott on the Landscape Tom Sharpe RW Franson

Citizen of the Galaxy Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
Cognitive Jury Duty WH Stoddard
Consent versus Chastity in Sexual Ethics WH Stoddard

Dreamland Clarence Budington Kelland RW Franson

Guns Aren't Psychic
  Reporters & Guns
S Farrell

Have Space Suit — Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein RW Franson
He Walked Around the Horses H. Beam Piper RW Franson

Ill Met in Lankhmar Fritz Leiber RW Franson

Justice Is an Essay Question S Farrell

Law and Institutions in the Shire WH Stoddard
Liberate Public Schools
  from Government by Lawsuit
E Enstrom, Jr.
Liberty for Women
  Freedom and Feminism
  in the Twenty-first Century
Wendy McElroy RW Franson

Mark Twain on the Insanity Defense RW Franson

Parental Handbook
  For Parents Dedicated to Local Control
  of Public Education of Children
  According to the Constitution
E Enstrom, Jr.
  The Hiss-Chambers Case
Allen Weinstein RW Franson

Reichstag Fire, The
  Legend and Truth
Fritz Tobias RW Franson

Stealing Elections
  How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy
John Fund RW Franson

There Ought Not to Be a Law W McElroy
Thieves' House Fritz Leiber RW Franson

You Can't Say That
  The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties
  from Antidiscrimination Laws
David E. Bernstein RW Franson

[Vienna. The court of justice.]


We must not make a scarecrow of the law,
Setting it up to fear the birds of prey,
And let it keep one shape till custom make it
Their perch, and not their terror.
William Shakespeare
Measure for Measure, 2.1.1-4

"You go over there [Plaquemines Parish] to look up a title on land for a client that's an outsider and has a suit against an insider, and you find old books of deeds handwritten on parchment dating back to the seventeenth century. But when you come to the page about the land in dispute, it's typewritten on brand-new paper. You ask the parish clerk what happened, and he says, 'Cockroaches ate the old page so bad we had to copy it out and replace it.'"

[The lawyer's] admiration was as pronounced as his taste for pie a la mode.

A. J. Liebling
The Earl of Louisiana  (1961)

Legal Insurrection
American politics from a legal perspective

magazine cover, below:
Analog, November 1965
by Kelly Freas;
for "Down Styphon"
[Paratime Police series]
by H. Beam Piper

Constitution at Troynovant
American founding documents,
Declaration of Independence
& U.S. Constitution

Utopia at Troynovant
utopia in power, or dystopia

Down Styphon (Analog Nov 1965 cover) - Kelly Freas for H. Beam Piper

You promis'd once, a progeny divine
Of Romans, rising from the Trojan line,
In after times should hold the world in awe,
And to the land and ocean give the law.
The Aeneid, I.322-325
translated by John Dryden

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